Walking to my first class I ignored Liz and Gabriana who stood at their lockers chattering away. They didn't see me and that was what I wanted, as I'd been avoiding them since Monday. I even skipped lunch yesterday, not wanting to upset anyone. I even muted the group chat, not excited to text about meaningless topics anymore.

I may be acting immature but their words had hurt me. Liz literally told me to shut up and Jackson wanted me to stay out of his business. I could respect their wishes but as a friend I just couldn't sit back and watch them suffer. So I did what I could manage, step away from them for a while. Until they realized I was not in the wrong.

As I sat down by the window, I took a moment to just breathe and get my mind in a good place. To prepare for the long class ahead. To prepare for the Raid. To prepare for another day of eating lunch alone.

It wasn't long before the classroom was full and Miss Lake began her lesson. We were learning about slavery and the impacts it had on the entire world. It wasn't as boring as I had expected, infact it was very interesting and thought provoking.

The class was very responsive and we broke out in many discussions. We got to see different point of views from different ethnicities. As our school was very diverse. We had Whites, Blacks, Latinos, Asian etc.

Even my friend group was diverse, Jake and Jackson were African American, I was African American with a touch of Latin roots, Gabriana was White, Liz was Asian and Jacob was a Latino. So we were a well blended group.

At the end of the discussion, we were given an assignment and began writing until we were dismissed.

Everyone hurried out, some in excitement for art class. Others in curiosity, wanting to see if the Raid had began. Which I totally understood, as I was rushing out as well. At first we stood disappointedly in the hallway because nothing seemed out of place.

Then suddenly The 3 It Girls, along with Alysia came rushing into the hall.

"They're here! They're here!" Trisha shouted.

While the others pointed breathlessly in the direction of the football field.

While everyone abandoned their classes and rushed to the football stands to observe up close, I decided to head in the opposite direction. I knew a spot I could watch all the action from without getting in the eye of the mess. So I climbed the stairs up to the Labs and watched from the open windows.

I had a clear view of everything, as I could see the unknown football team spraying words on the field. Some were in the football locker rooms, some were heading towards the building I was in and some were firing water balloons all over the place.

It was clear they were working in groups, to cover more grounds. Yet my heart almost stopped when my eyes closed in on a guy around 6'4 with his back turned to me. His shirt read Cidshore High and I didn't catch the rest as I began making my way back down stairs at a speed I never knew I could muster. He looked too much like Zion and I had to get a closer look because what are the odds?

That curly black hair was hard to miss , It had to be him.

As I was about turn the corner to get to the stands I crashed into someone. How cliché of me to be that clumsy.
It was a guy from the Cidshore team and he looked pumped. Like he was on an adrenaline high. Like the impact hadn't affected him at all.

I opened my mouth to say something but before I could form a word I was drenched in water, as someone else on his team had thrown a water balloon at me.

"Oops" The guy I bumped into laughed before he grabbed my wrist and pulled me with him.

"Yo captain, why do we need the girl?" Another guy shouted in our direction, giving the guy that held me hostage a confused look.

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