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The rest of the day we spend time with family and friends and Gaeges parents even paid a visit and we had gotten along really well.

We even talked to Mully and Josh over the phone since they couldn't come down here.

Everyone had a lot of fun but they had to leave since it was getting dark. We all say our goodbyes and me and Juicy go to bed. He puts on a TV show and carefully lays his head on my stomach but soon puts it back up. "Ow. Oh now you wanna kick?" He asks. I laugh. He smiles. "The babies does not like me" he says. "Oh shush they love you, they just don't like big heads" I say

He laughs. "So rude" he says. I smile. We eventually fall asleep, with my head on his chest and his hand on my stomach.

We wake up to my alarm going off. "Ughhh I got a doctor's appointment" I say. He sighs. "Ok let's go but after this we are taking a nap" he says. "Bettt I'm tired" I say. We both get dressed and drive to the doctors office.

We wait in the waiting room until he calls for us. We get in and he puts a weird gel on my stomach and puts a little machine on it. "You see that right about there?" He asks pointing to a bean looking thingy. "Yeah, is that one of them?" Juicy asks. "That is your little baby boy, that is his foot." The doctor says.

"Aww oh wait what happened?" I ask as the foot moved away. "It seems your little girl wants a bit of attention, she seemed to have kicked her brother out of the way" the doctor says laughing. "Well she definitely has your anger" Juicy says. Well your son already has your big head" I say. We both laugh. "Well it's seems like your babies are doing very well, congratulations to the both of you, most infertile parents don't make it this far, congratulations" he says.

After the appointment we get food and get home.

We take our nap and work on videos. I hear a knock. "Hey babe?" Gaege says. "Yeah?" I say. "My parents need me to fly out to Florida it's for a funeral, um so I might not be here for a few days" he says. "Ok" I say. "You sure your ok, do you need help with the babies?" He asks. "No, baby, go see your parents, I got this, if I need help I'll call Eddie." I say.

"Are you sure?" He asks. "Yes baby. Go, have fun." I say. "Thank you! I love you!" He says giving me a peck on the lips. "I love you too babe!" I say. He leaves.

I go to the kitchen to get a glass of water and I had dropped a spoon I try to bend down to grab it but I couldn't.

"Shit" I say trying to pick it up again. "Do you need help?" Gaege asks. "No no I got it" I say reaching for it again. "Babe I can get it-"

"I don't wanna hear it!" I say. He puts his hands up in defense. I try to grab it one last time and I eventually get it. I sit on a chair and catch my breath. "You ok?" He asks. "I don't see you have two kids" I say. "Mhm, I'm staying" he says. "What- no babe, go I got it" I say.

"Well if it takes you 2 minutes to pick up a spoon then no you don't" he says.

"Babe, your parents need you, go" I say. He sighs. "Fine, give me a call if you need anything I leave in the morning" he says.

"Ok, I will, while I'm here do you need anything?" He asks. "Uh can you go to the store for a few things? I'll send you a list" I say. "Yeah of course" he says grabbing his keys. I text him what I need. He gives me a kiss and then kisses my stomach.

"Bye kiddos" he says leaving I smile and hold my stomach.

I clean the kitchen because I have nothing better to do as I'm sweeping my stomach starts to hurt. "Ok! Stop the kicking!" I say. It continues to hurt.

I scream in pain and dial 911.

911: 911 what's your emergency.

Y: There is something wrong with my stomach please help!

911: ok ma'am I need you to clam down and explain the situation.

Y: woo ok I'm pregnant and the babies are kicking but the kicking has become too much please

911: ok ma'am I'm transferring you to a doctor.

Y: ok ok

D: hi ma'am what's your emergency?

Y:hi yes I'm pregnant and I'm getting pains in my stomach and I don't know if my babies are gonna be ok.

D: ok ma'am which trimester are you in?

Y:the 3rd.

D:ok ma'am do not panic, this is normal, it just means you are moving around too much so just relax and if the pain continues please call us back.

Y:ok thank you so much

D:your welcome have a good day.

Y:you too!

I hang up and lay on the couch. I try and relax but I have a lot to do. Soon Juicy comes back. "Hey babe- woah are you ok?" He asks. "Yeah yeah just the babies are impatient as fuck" I say.

"What happened?" He asks. "I was cleaning and-"

"Woah woah woah, why were you cleaning?" He asks. "Instinct. But anyways I was cleaning and the babies were kicking like crazy so I called the doctor and he told me to just relax because they don't like when I move around too much" I say.

"Baby, I understand that cleaning is your thing but for the babies, let me handle it, I can even get Eddie to help me" he says.

"Yeah I don't trust you in the kitchen anyways" I say. "Wowww" he says. "I'm just kidding" I say. He smiles and gives me a kiss. "Uh huh sure, I'm gonna call Eddie, so he can help me with the kitchen" he says. "Ok, thank you" I say.

"No problem" he goes to the kitchen and I hear him call Eddie. Soon Eddie shows up and helps Juicy in the kitchen. I hear Eddie speaking Spanish and can only imagine what's going through Juicys head.

I go over there because I probably would need to translate.

I get down there and Juicy had a smile on his face. Oh no what happened

"Baby, your face is so burro" he says confidently, Eddie was holding in laughter.

"Did Eddie tell you to say that?" I ask. "Uh yeah, why?" He asks. I nod and whack Eddie in the back of the head which causes him to laugh.

"What? What does it mean?" Juicy asks. "You basically said my face looks like a donkey" I say.

"Oh you dick" Juicy says. Eddie had tears falling from how hard he was laughing.

"Mhm yeah I'm gonna go lay down, Eddie quit be a idiot" I say going to my room and laying down while watching a movie.

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