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"Im a dad.."
I couldnt think. "Your a what?" Josh asks. "Im a dad!" I say. "She had the baby?" Mully asks i nod excitedly. "Dude your a dad!" Smashing yells. "Where the hell were you?"Josh asks.

"At the shop" he says. "Hm anyways hurry up try to get an earlier flight!" Josh says. "Well come on pack some bags!" I says. "What?" Mully asks.

"I want you to meet him too" i say grabbing my suitcase. "Ok lets go before i cry" Mully says. We all speed run packing and get into Smashings car.

We drive to the airport and we pretty much beg the people to let us on a plane. "Ma'am please my baby mama just had her baby and i just want to see me son" i say. "Sir we are trying everything we can, if you can just sit down i will be with you in a moment" the woman said.

"Melanie they can come with me, where are you going boys?" A man asks us. "Texas" i say. "Follow me" he says. We follow him outside. He takes us to a plane, he gestures us to get in.

We quickly do. "I had the same issues you boys had, my wife was pregnant with our 1st born and i was in Ireland at the time, one of the pilots from there allowed me to come back here to come see her im just passing on the kindness, so whats your wifes name?" He asks. "Oh um actually i have a fiancee and the girl who is having my baby is my ex.." I say. "Oh.. Welp still congrats i guess" the pilot says.

It was a pretty silent couple of hours, we didnt get there until morning. Once we got there and the pilot let us off i called an Uber.

We get in and go to y/ns house. I knock on the door and Eddie answers. "Hey buddy sh come inside both of the girls are sleeping." He whispers. We all come inside quietly. Y/n had Zachariah in her arms and both of them were asleep and Marissa was spread across the couch asleep.

They all looked peaceful..

I put my stuff in y/ns room. I stare at y/n for a bit, this is what my future is gonna look like, me and y/n will be married, we will have a kid hopefully a boy i dont think i can handle a girl..

"You should probably put the baby back in the crib so y/n can get some time away from him" Eddie says.

I grab Zachariah from y/n.. Y/n wakes up. Her face lighting up when she sees me. "Hi baby" she says.

I smile at her. "Hi love, im gonna put Zachariah in the crib, ok? You go to bed sweet heart" i say she slowly gets up.

I put Zachariah in his crib. He opens his eyes. "Hi Zach im your dad" i say smiling for ear to ear. He continues to look at me. "Yeah i know you dont understand thats fine, sleep well sweetheart" i say.

I shut off the lights and close the door.

Marissa was trying to walk. "Hey here let me help ya, i know you just pushed a 7 pound baby out of ya" i say.

She quietly laughs and i help her to her room, she immediately passes out on her bed. I go to the living room where the boys were asleep on the couch.

I go back to mine and y/ns room and see y/n laying there. "Is Zach ok?" She asks. "Mhm hes asleep right now you get some rest ok babe?" I say.

She nods. I crawl into bed and y/n lays her head on my chest. "Im so glad your back" she says. "Me too babe, i missed my girls, and boy" i say. "So how was the trip besides well.. Liv of course" she says. "It was great ill show you show videos of what we did tomorrow, get some rest ok?" I say. "Ok goodnight mi amor" she says. My heart melts in its place. I love when she calls me that. I might not know exactly what it means but i hope its a good thing..


I was woken by crying. Eddie barges into our room. "The baby wont be quiet, everyone has tried" he says. Y/n groans and gets up. "No no no baby, you sleep ill handle it" i say. She lays back down i go into the babies room and Marissa was trying to calm him down. "Sh sh sh honey im going to need you to try to sleep more please" she says. She was definitely worn out. "Marissa i can handle it just go back to bed." I say. "Please figure it out i love this baby but oh my god" she says handing me the baby.

She goes back to her room. I start rocking him hes calms down a bit before crying a bit more. Y/n comes in the room with Marissa. "Hes probably hungry so shes gonna try to breastfeed" y/n says. I hand Zach to y/n the girls go to the room.

We hear Zach stop crying.. Y/n comes back in. "He was hungry" she says holding a sleepy Zach in her arms.

She puts him in the crib. He looks at all of us, he starts squirming around. He looks at me i reach my hand out towards him and he grabs my finger.

Wow.. This is what it feels like to be a dad... Holy shit im a fucking dad.. This feels weird dude, im a child just by myself what the fuck am i supposed to do with a baby?

He smiles at me. "Oh my god babe he smiled" i say. "I know baby i know" she says holding my free hand. "Your a dad, Gaege.." Y/n says. I smile.

I let go of her hand and i grab her waist. She leans against me. Soon Zach lets go of my hand.

He had fallen asleep.

"Ok now everyone be quiet, and lets try to get more sleep" y/n says.

We all get out of the room and go to our spots and go back to bed. I wrap my arms around y/n as we lay in bed.

I still cant believe that i am a dad..

Mi Amor (Juicy x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum