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Holy shit this could NOT get any worse...

We all rush to the car where Eddie hurries to the hospital. "Ma'am we need a doctor right now shes having her baby!" I yell. "Ok ma'am, i need you to calm down ma'am come with me, is anyone here the father?" The nurse asks. We all shake our heads.

"Ok then just stay out here until we can give you updates" she says.

I start panicking they just took the baby mama, Juicy isnt here, im feeling nauseous, Marissa has no one to calm her down and be with her. "Hey Y/n i know you are freaking out right now but you need to tell Gaege he needs to know about his baby" Eddie say holding my shoulder.

"Your right" i say i step outside and call Gaege. I started crying because i freaking out so bad. "Hey baby! Whats up?" He asks. "Babe.. Shes having the baby!" I say. "Holy shit are you serious?" He ask. "Yes please try to get here shes all alone" i say. "Ok i will baby just stay on the phone and breathe ok?" He says. "Ok, how long until you can get here?" I ask. "Im looking right now darling, i just need you to breathe" he says. I do so.

I at least try to..

"Ok there is a plane ride i can get but its stupid early in the morning, i can try to get onto it" he says. "Ok baby, please try to" i say. "Ok i will i have to go, i love you!" He says. "I love you too tell Liv i said hi" i say. "I will babe, bye" he says.

"Bye Mi Amor" i say. He chuckles before ending the call.

                   Juicy pov

"Bye Mi Amor"... Oh shes amazing.. Oh shes must be freaking out, wait- why am i not freaking out???

"OH MY GOD!" I say. Liv runs in. "What?" She asks. "The baby is coming!" I say. "Congrats!" She says hugging me.

"What happened?" Josh asks. "The baby is coming.." I say. Both Josh and Mully hug me. "Im gonna be a dad.. IM GONNA BE A DAD!" I yell. "Yes you are mate!" Mully says.

"To Juicy!" Josh says handing all of us water since we didnt have alcohol. "To Juicy" everyone else says.

We all drink our water. We all talk and Josh and Mully leave to get food. "Listen Gaege, im really excited for you" Liv says putting her hand on my thigh.

"Yeah thanks.." I say moving away from her. "Come on Gaege, y/n isnt here she doesnt have to know" Liv said trying to kiss me. I stand up. "Okkk please stop" i say. "Oh come on Gaege just make love to me you have no idea how much i want you" she says pinning me against the wall. She pressed her body against mine.

"Please stop it just stop" i say. She leans in. I couldnt move. She kisses me. I try getting out. I starting screaming for help. "Love me!" Liv yells. I push her off, i run inside and run into Josh and Mully. "Just give me a kiss Gaege!" She yells.

"What the actual fuck?"Mully asks.

"Dude shes trying to to get with me!" I yell. Josh goes to the door "Oh shit!" Josh says. "What?" I ask. "She is telling y/n..." Josh says. My heart sinks. "Oh shit i will not hear the end of this." I say. My phone rings..

Y/n❤ is calling...

I take a breath and answer it. She starts yelling at me in spanish. "Dude shes not even on speaker and you can hear her" Josh says.

"Gaege Gibson!" Eddie yells. "Oh shit.." I say. "What in the actual fuck do you think you are doing cheating on my sister you are lucky you are in Australia or other wise i would be beating your ass!" He yells.

"Eddie! I didnt cheat on her Liv tried to make a move on me and she pinned me to a wall and forced me to kiss her" i say. "How do i know you arent lying?" Y/n asks. "We saw Liv literally try to attack him after it happened we went to get food and when we got back she tried attacking him" Josh says.

"Is it true?" Y/n asks her voice breaking. "Of course baby, i would never cheat on you, you are so important to me" i say.

"Ok im sorry for believing Liv" she says. "No no no do not apologize its ok kinda scary but its ok" i say. "Ok oh the doctor is here i will talk to you in a bit babe i love you!" She says. "Ok i love you too" i say.

"Im gonna call the police she is literally flashing us" josh said Mully looked traumatized. I look at she was in fact doing that. I cover Mullys eyes and he thanks me.

The police soon come and arrest Liv.

We sit and try to distract ourselves from what we saw. Y/n texted me. It was a photo of a baby.. Oh my god.

She sent me a message as well.

'Here is Zachariah Martin Gibson'

"Oh my god.." I say.

"Im a dad.."

Mi Amor (Juicy x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora