Well I defntley stayed up too late. It was twenty pat two when I went to sleep and now I'm shattered.

I'm now listening to music to mentally and physically prepare myself for the day.

Yay more maths -_-.

Lets waist another hour of my lif on some stupid rubbish that I probably won't need or that I will forget about

School is a living hell.

The only thing good about it is seeing my friends that I don't have.

I was obviously not looking where I was going and instead looking down at the paint stain on my trousers from yeasterday trying to make something creative out of it.

Then ofcorse I bump into the beanpole.-_-

"Watch where you're going idiot!" he snapped making me flinch.

"Don't be so mean Tsukki! Can't you see that she's scared of you!" Yamaguchi said beside him.

"I can do what I want and she should be scared of me!" He slightly shouted making me flinch once again.

"Tsukki STOP!" Yamaguchi shouted towards said beanpole.

He then offered me a hug and apologised for Tsukki's behavior.

At least he cared and understood.

Life is sooo harrd...

Wait a munute what actually is the point in life?

I checked the time and that thoght was shoved to the back of my head as I realized that I had seconds to get to class.

Dam It!

I'm running too fast at this point still at least a killometer away from school.

I'm now panicking.

I can't breathe.

Oh No.

Not today.


I'm having a panick attack.

I'm colapsing.

I need help.

What do I do?

My vision is blured due to all of my tears.

My body feels numb.

It goes dark for a few seconds.

I'm still strugling for breath.

Then I see someone walk up to me. from what I can see they're tall they have brown hair and it's tied back in a man bun...

It's Asahi!

He held out his hand and pulled me up.

"Breathe in and out, don't worry Y/n, it's all going to be OK," he said trying to reasure me "Don't worry about class tht doesn't matter right now."

By now my breathing has slowed slightly and Asahi called Ukai so now he's here and Asahi has gone to school.

We're sat on a bench and he hugs me tightley.

My breathing is normal again.

"Are you OK now Y/n," Ukai asked.

I nod.

"Are you sure, you're still shaking."

I nod once again.

''See you later then," (since it was far away he droppedd you off in is car on the way back home)

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