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Next thing I knew, the Galliard brothers were grabbing onto me, I tried to fight them back, but they won.

All five dragged me to Reiner's room,

Once we got there, they threw me onto the bed, full on ripped my clothes off (like actually ripping them),

I screamed, "please stop, I'm sorry"

Reiner said with a sadistic smirk on his face, "nah, we wanna play with you, and we are playing by my rules"

Once my clothes were fully off, the guys restrained me

Zeke tightly grabbed my face, he said in a sadistic tone, "we are going to have so much fun Marco."

And at that moment my innocents were ripped away, because Zeke took no time to get inside.

I obviously screamed with confusion and shock.

I yelled, "what are you guys doing?!"

Zeke grabbed onto my thighs real tight and Marcel grabbed my arms to try and keep me still.

I screamed at them for them to stop, but Reiner muffled it. I felt nothing in my ass, it felt like a finger was in my ass. Guess he had a tiny cock.

I hated every moment of it, than Zeke's grip on one of my thighs loosen, I went to take the chance to knee him in the stomach, but Porco pulled the loose leg towards him,

but the thing that pulled my focus away from how small Zeke cock was, was the fact that Porco was kissing my leg, when he was going down my thigh, Zeke finally pulled out and Porco and I made eye contact.

My stomach had a burning feeling inside, my heart raced, was going do what Zeke did to me. But my focus was put on Bertholdt about to put it in and Porco pulling away.

Let's just say, when I saw Bertholdt's cock I knew I was gonna be in pain.

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