Part 9 (My perfect revenge)

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Sorry this story might be getting a bit dry, this is my first book so I didn't really know what to do. I am sorry but now happy reading if you still decide to!

~Candy's POV~
FUCK YOU COLE! Like in all seriousness why would someone have such disrespect for someone to then compete with someone TO GET THAT PERSON TO BE "YOURS", LIKE I SWEAR MAN! This guy is really one shitty piece of work. But I have a small plan. I'm going to start leading Cole on to think that I would have interest in him. But in the long run, he'll be sorry. I will try my best to keep Alec out of this. He was forced into this "battle" for my love. I have to say he is a really nice guy for not trying to do anything like that at all. But let my plan go into play heheh, this will be fun!

-+Candy's plan+-
Part 1:
Start talking to Coal.
Once I start talking to Coal he would get the impression that I would have a slight interest in him. That will float his ego and start bragging, when I get that I would record it and use it against him later. In my final era he will admit to his mistakes in front of the entire school and his next one too!
Part 2:
Love Bait Coal.
Once me and Coal become "friends" I'll figure out more and more about him and his secrets. I'll keep him going, thinking that he might have a chance of winning this "game for my love". I'm gaining what I can about him while keeping in mind of my goal. He doesn't know that I've already heard all of his fake sob stories to get girls. I'll spend as much time as I can with Coal trying to lead him on without catching any feelings whatsoever.
Part 3:
Alec's placing.
I've known Alec for a good few months and I know that he will get jealous when he sees that I'm not paying him as much attention. Knowing him he'll come in trying to protect me like the amazingly sweet guy he is. He'll come into this and then there will be a few events going on that I will personally record without knowing.
Part 4:
Standing up for Coal.
While they are fighting and I have set up my recorder. I will jump into the fight and will start "protecting" Coal. He'll gain the biggest impression that I have feelings for him. Then I will retrieve my recordings and save them to the cloud. I would then say that he is a piece of work and no girl and help him out with his head of dicks. He is the most messed up mother fucker I have ever seen and there is no way I would want to be with someone like him, I deserve better which is Alec.
Part 5:
The finale (pt.1/2)
In the end I have all the recording, pictures, videos and text messages between me and him. This will then be used against him to come out to the entire school at the assembly (which is kind of soon so this is great). He'll confess everything and I will broadcast all of the things he had done. Over all of his shame this is not the end of it. It is only the start of his confessing to his mistakes. As I said this isn't the end of anything, just wait until next year in a new school. He'll regret everything.
Le  final pièce (6)
The finale (pt.2/2)
This has all been future planning but this is the farthest into the future. In university I already know that Alec, Coal and I are all going to the same university. So on our first day it is for all people to go around and get to know their teachers and get a basis in their field. There's also time for all of the freshmen to meet, I can already tell that girls will be attracted to Coal. So I will slyly just slip in all the facts I have gotten over the rest of this year. Coal will have no chance at love at all in these next 4 years. The way this works is that people need to get familiarized with the university aspect, so they are still in their Highschool mind set. With that they are all bound to talk about the info I slipped to a few girls and then start hating on Coal. He has no chance with a girl now which is the best part. Me and Alec then go on with our lives maybe we will even become a couple with any luck possible! I'm starting my plan next week and setting this all in a time line. Let's make sure he does t do anything else like this in the future.

Candy's timeline
Next week - April 20th 2046
I assume that this would take a while for this phase to work, I need to gain his trust. I think this will take about 3-4 weeks. Let's do 4 just to make sure.
Next month - May 20th 2046
This one won't take that long, I think that something like 4 days would be good for this one.
4 days after - May 24th 2046
On the 5th day he would start to get sick of this and then say something about it. So that wouldn't take long either. He would immediately take action, so I'll say one day.
The day after - May 25th 2046
I would greet Coal how I did for the past month, and then say that 'oh I think Alec might a bit protective' and other shit like that. Then I go up to Alec and defend Coal. Then let my gathering begin. Because Coal would defend himself knowing I'm there but in the wrong ways. I'll record it all and then use that again against him. God I already feel so sick and I haven't even talked to him yet. This would take up to 1 day. And the next week was going to be his confession assembly.
They next day - May 26th 2046
I will finally be able to tell Alec everything that has been going on! I would stop him in a hallway that we normally cross by. I would tell him everything that I've been doing. I would even show all the evidence that I have gotten. Anything to make him on board. I would then act way more distant from Coal. Until the day before the assembly comes. I know many girls have a crush on this guy but they won't anymore!
The next week (day before the assembly) - June 2nd 2046
At this time I would have all my evidence saved on all my technology. I would then ambush Coal with all the evidence and tell him that I won't show anyone IF he told everyone why he is breaking poor girls hearts. I would inform our head office that I had an announcement to make at the assembly. Then easily the next day he'll just come out to the entire school about his mistakes. Finally my last phase being university.
First day of university - September 2nd 2046
HAHAHAHAHAH HE THOUGHT IT WAS IVER BUT NOPE IT IS NOT! I can assure the fact that he'll blame me for his mistakes and record that too! Then on our first day I'll be warning a few girls about him and telling them to tell the other girls too as well! They'll not event want to be anywhere near him by the time this is all done! Nobody will.

That is my plan time to put it into action! Coal will not have any luck for the next few years, which I am really happy about!

AYO ITS THE EDITOR NOW! I HOPE YOU LIKED THIS CHAPTER IT TOOK A WHILE AND ITS ONE OF THE LONGEST ONES YET! Now I will be putting all the phases into detail in the following chapters! If you have any suggestions then let me know! Yours might be the next chapters inspiration! Now CYAH in the next one and happy reading! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2022 ⏰

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