Chapter 4 (how did this happen?)

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~Alec's POV~

the most epic flashback ever
It was an amazing day, the sky was clear and was even more blue then the beaches crystal blue waters. Where I lived in London was amazing with the most breath-taking scenery for anyone, they would all see its true glory. I went to the beach quite often, mostly when I have a bad day just to feel it's calming and relaxing atmosphere.
Everything here was great, until one day. I was having an already pretty bad day because of the people in school. They would make fun of my hair, how I talked, how I dressed and more. So I came home because my mother had called me home immediately after school. When I had arrived home my mom had me sit down and started talking. "Honey we need to talk about your school life", the one thing I was not prepared to talk about. "Of course mother, what do you want to talk about first?", me being respectful, because I wouldn't get up and leave after hearing we need to talk about something serious. "Are you happy in school?", my mother really just got STRAIGHT to the point, she wasn't trying to hide anything. "Be truthful.", god damn my mother knows me well, she knows I would have lied. "No. I'm not that happy in school", I had to answer truthfully o my mom would have known and I would have gotten my ass beat. "Well then I have good news..", she said that very hopeful and I was scared and concerned about what she was going to say next. "We're moving to the US pretty soon.", *shocked* WERE MOVING?!?

end of the most epic flashback

~Still in Alec's POV~

I've been hanging around Candy and her friends for a while now. I can already see something off with Candy. She acts different around her friends then with me alone. She acts a bit more wild and alive with me then her friends. Why I don't even know, but I noticed it and I'm scared to bring it up. I like Candy, mainly because her name resembles who she is and more. Candy is such an amazing, sweet, easily loveable, outgoing person. From being here for almost 3 months I can't even believe I've already cared for someone as much, I never had a crush in London. All the girls in London are barely selfless, all of the girls I've met are very bratty and are like 'I gEt WhAt I wAnT wHeN I wAnT iT', it's so hilarious to me. But candy is the pure opposite, she has patience and waits for anything. She's extraordinarily amazing and nobody would be like her.

~Candy's POV~

It's been almost 3 months after Alec has been in my neighbourhood. I have to admit, he isn't as annoying as I thought he was, in face he's the COMPLETE OPPOSITE! He's so interesting and a really nice guy! I cant believe he's been around me for so long and doesn't feel bored of me at all. He's been so nice to me that I think I kind of love being around him, talking to him like just being in his presence! I-I think I might like him as more though..

Sorry this is kinda short- IM TRYING MY BEST IM SO SORRY
Also I wrote this all in school let's go 😎
But I will ask you guys, do you have any ideas for this story? Any and all ideas are appreciated! And who knows I might come around to using one! (I will write you as the pure inspiration for this don't worry 😀)
Next update coming soon (I hope BEAR WOTH ME HERE PLEASE 😭😭)

Candy~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu