Slender Mansion Room Headcanons (1/2)

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HELLO blog i havent written in quite a bit... ive mostly been focused on like life and stuff. BUT. i am here.. with general room headcanons for my slender mansion au... because i am mentally ill and this is my coping mechanism

this also got a little rambly and im sorryryryyrry


Jeff has a very messy room, but that's mostly because he doesn't bother to pick his laundry up and is too lazy to put things where they actually belong. His bed probably has a heap or two of clean clothes sitting on the end of it that he just kind of picks through whenever he needs something new to wear. Decor-wise, he doesn't really care much? He definitely keeps his room dark, and BEN probably got him those TikTok LEDs just so that the poor dude could have some lighting in his bedroom. He's probably got posters too, most of which stolen from the houses of his victims, so they're probably gonna have weird stains on them and the edges of them are gonna be torn. Obviously, he's got gaming consoles and a TV and a decent PC (because everything is ideal here) but his TV is definitely like.. on the floor. This guy has a desk and then that's kind of it for furniture. His mattress is also on the floor and he snags blankets and stuff from BEN's room if he ever needs them. Basically: Flaming garbage pile of a room, dude please clean up after yourself.BEN is like... the opposite of Jeff when it comes to his room. This motherfucker is like gamer supreme, with posters neatly lined up on his wall and shelves with figurines and other collectibles. His room is definitely on the darker side but it's easier to navigate because there aren't heaps of dirty laundry and other questionable objects all over his floor. This guy has his TV mounted on his wall and one of those PCs that has the funky rainbow lights on the inside. He is pretty bad at putting clean laundry away, but he has the decency to put clothes he knocks over back on their respective piles. I also feel like he has loads of stuffed animals, but it's shit like the Fortnite Llama. He's probably got a couple of minions in there too. He's one of those people that will post super dope videos of his room and gaming setup with coordinated lighting on TikTok and shit. 10/10 would sleepover.Toby's room is kind of messy, but he's the type of person where there is a method to his madness, or at least to the madness of his room. He isn't the type of person to like, keep his dirty laundry in several toxic mounds in his room, but he definitely is too lazy to pick some stuff up sometimes. He always knows where everything is though. I think he would like, print things out and put the pieces of paper on his walls. He probably has some posters too, and some other trinkets he's taken from houses or even other Pastas to decorate his room. I don't think he'd have a TV or a really heavy-duty computer, just because I don't really feel like those are things he feels like he needs to own. Maybe one day BEN would snap and get him something just so the dude can play video games with him and Jeff without having to sit in one person's room. I also think he'd have a lot of books but like, no motivation to read any of them. Just stacks of books and shit and he has no idea what the majority of them are about.Tim's room is nothing too fancy. I can't really say that he feels the need to decorate excessively, and I don't think he's the type to have a huge attachment to material things. Like Toby, I think he'd have books, but unlike Toby, I think he'd actually read them. And they'd like, be organized and on shelves. Since he did spend a bit of time acting unprofessionally I think he'd have some interests in movies, so maybe he'd have a few posters here and there. I do think he'd have a TV, but nothing too fancy, and certainly no video game consoles or anything like that.I see Brian in a similar way to how I see Tim; no real need to accessorize or anything like that. He's probably got his cameras on some nice shelves for the sake of organization (and for lowkey showing off how many he knows how to use). He also probably has his fair share of old VHS tapes, home movies, etc. that he can watch back whenever. I think it would be funny if he only watched shit on VHS in his room. Other than that, I think that he's also relatively organized and that he keeps things orderly in his room. He doesn't really have much in the way of material things just because he doesn't see any use in having so many things to keep track of.

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