Tim/EJ/Toby Clingy Headcanons

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Anonymous asked:

May I request some Masky, EJ, and Toby headcanons for being clingy/missing their S/O? Thank you so much~

of course!! i love these boys so much, so i hope that you enjoy this and i hope that this is what you wanted!!



Before your relationship, Tim was relatively used to being on his own. He enjoyed time to himself a lot, since quiet is rare in the Slender Mansion. There's always a dog barking, or someone yelling, or footsteps out in the hallway, or sometimes one of those rooms with weird unnamed creatures living in them appears and you can just hear the unspeakable things going on in there and it's all just pretty annoying, especially to Tim. His alone time was, and still is, very special to him.

Getting into a relationship with you, however, kind of threw that off. He still relishes the time he got to himself, since he's an advocate for personal space in relationships. But if you're on a trip for an extended amount of time, or out on a mission for Slenderman, or even at the rare time where your plans with someone else overlap with his free time, he finds himself getting... kind of bored. He misses you and he misses talking to you, and sometimes he just gets in kind of a mood where you're the only one that can occupy him, whether it be with conversation or just sitting there in silence.

As for clinginess... he isn't really the clingy type? As much as he enjoys cuddling up to you and holding you/letting you hold him, you being in the same room as him and paying attention to him is more than enough for Tim. He definitely will not pull you out of plans or out of a conversation, though. He knows you have your own life too and that your world can't revolve around him. Make sure to tell him that he should let you know if he wants to spend quality time with you! He just needs to be reassured that you'd be more than willing to drop everything to be affectionate with him.


Eyeless Jack

EJ gets very bad separation anxiety very quickly. You'd expect him to be chill about it, and he tries to be, but he gets very anxious whenever you leave for extended periods of time. To him, you're the only person that looks beyond the scary demon facade that he doesn't even keep up intentionally, and that makes him feel a little bit more human. His relationship with you is as normal as (in?)humanly possible, with him being an eyeless carnivorous sort-of-cannibal and with you both living in a mansion used as a safe haven for incredibly weird and dangerous serial murderers.

Sometimes EJ needs his alone time desperately; his needs shift very quickly, so sometimes he will be like "I absolutely need you next to me at all times or else I will die because I am being deprived of physical touch and affection", and sometimes he will be like "do not come into the same room as me or else I will act out irrationally because I cannot tolerate the presence of another person". He's usually the former, but if he's not feeling so hot about being close to anyone under any circumstances, it's best to leave him be. It's nothing personal, he just needs some time to himself for a bit!

Jack is very physically affectionate with you; he tries his best to not be all over you because he is way too aware of his size and his strength, so he doesn't want to overwhelm you at all. Holding hands can be more than enough for him, but he does like to have you all to himself sometimes. Note that all this stuff usually happens privately; he absolutely is not a PDA person, and he hates looking vulnerable to people he isn't close with (AKA: most of the mansion).


Ticci Toby

When you aren't around, Toby is very good at finding ways to occupy himself (he's friends with BEN and Jeff, after all) but that doesn't mean that he doesn't miss you. He's definitely the type to annoy the living shit out of anyone who knows how long your mission will take with questions about when you'll be back as if you hadn't told him yourself a fair bit before you left. When you're supposed to be back he definitely sits on the stairs by the front door for hours on end until you come back, which is really tough for him because it is incredibly hard for him to stay in one place for an extended period of the time.

After you get back to the mansion, he needs to be next to you or doing things with you or touching you at all times. He missed you a lot, even if you were only gone for a few days. Toby sees himself as obnoxious because of his several mental issues and disabilities, so the fact that you considered befriending him, much less getting into a relationship with him, makes him really happy. He's so glad that you at least tolerate him, and you've made it clear that you're fine with any type of physical affection (PDA or not), so he's going to take advantage of that opportunity!

He does enjoy going out and doing things with you most, though he will have to be hosed down with cold water afterward because being outside of the mansion and away from its protection means that his body temperature needs to be regulated to prevent seizures. It's a perfect opportunity for a water fight, in his opinion at least.

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