Christmas at the Creepypasta Mansion

Start from the beginning

"You do realize that we like, don't celebrate Christmas here? Like, at all." Jeff said blankly, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Well, I mean yeah, I figured as much, no one was exactly rushing to decorate or be festive, but celebrating something seemed like a nice way to surprise everyone, yanno? Like most people here probably haven't had a proper Christmas in like, forev-"

"You don't get it." Jeff snapped, cutting [Y/N]'s rambles off. Their expression fell at his tone. "Christmas is shit for all of us. No one wants to remember their shitty fucking childhoods with their shitty fucking parents or any of that bullshit. You seriously fucking think that this'll make people happy? Holidays are only good for reminding us about our shitshow lives. None of us want to think about it."

"I, um.." [Y/N] didn't know what to say. Their gut twisted with guilt, and they suddenly felt very sick. Blinking away tears, [Y/N] stood up from their admittedly comfy spot on the couch. When they spoke, their voice was quiet. "I'm, uh, I'm gonna go out."

With Jeff's glare burning into their back, [Y/N] padded towards the front door and out into the cold. The chilly air crawled its way up their shirt and onto their feet as soon as they stepped outside. They'd forgotten that a heavy coat was kind of a necessity for the winter months, but there was no way that they were going back inside to get one with Jeff still there. Or anyone, for that matter. Jeff had made it seem like [Y/N] had ruined everyone's day, and now that they thought about it a bit more, they realized that he was probably right.

"Fucking idiot, should have realized that people weren't talking about Christmas for a reason." [Y/N] mumbled to themself, the wooden boards of the porch stairs creaking under their weight. Their socks grew damp as they trudged into the woods. A cold breeze whipped past them as they walked, sending an unpleasant shiver up their spine. It was shit, and they felt like shit.

Even though the weather was unsavory, [Y/N] kept walking until they felt like their fingers were going to fall off. They would have stayed out longer had it not been for the lights of the mansion peeking through the trees ahead of them. [Y/N] figured that Jeff would have fucked off after he told them off, so they didn't really have much to worry about. They'd just clean up before anyone else came downstairs.

[Y/N] nimbly hopped up the front steps of the mansion, doing their best to avoid getting splinters. Shaking like a leaf, they pushed the door open and immediately relaxed as warmth washed over them. They stood in the doorway for a moment, eyes closed to appreciate the heat. Despite their regret, they didn't feel at all guilty about lighting the fireplace.

Something was a bit off, though. There were a lot more hushed whispers than usual; the house didn't normally talk that much on its own. [Y/N] certainly didn't expect to see what they did when they opened their eyes.

Every single occupant of the mansion (with the exception of Slenderman; off on business, most likely, but who could ever tell?) was standing there in the still-decorated living room, staring at [Y/N]. They felt their eyes well up again because they knew that everyone was going to be angry at them, and they had no idea how to fix any of it, and they were so goddamn-

"Sorry, uh," [Y/N] croaked, reaching up to wipe their eyes with a hand that was only just regaining feeling, "I didn't... I didn't realize that-"

"Eeek!" A shrill voice cried out, and before [Y/N] could process what was going on, there was a pink-and-black-clad blur pouncing on them. They nearly fell back through the doorway because of the sheer amount of force that Nina had glomped them with.

"[Y/N]!!! We were all so worried about you, we thought you like, died in the cold or something!!!" The girl blabbed, pulling away from the one-sided hug so that she could close the door behind [Y/N]. She was wearing an apologetic smile as she checked over them to make sure that they were alright. "We found out Jeff yelled at you, I promise he was just being mean and that he didn't mean any of it, and I can't speak for everyone but I know that I really really appreciate you decorating for Christmas!!"

[Y/N] was in shock, their face still wet with tears. They looked from Nina back to everyone standing awkwardly near the fireplace, spotting Jeff. His hands were tucked into his pockets and he kept his eyes averted from [Y/N] and Nina. They decided not to say anything directly to him yet.

"[Y/N]!? Are you okay!? You're okay, right!?" Nina's voice pulled them out of their own head.

"Yeah, um, yeah," [Y/N] wiped the tears from their face again, looking around at everyone with a bit more confidence, "Do you guys feel the same as Nina, or should I take everything down?"

"Dude, are you kidding? The fact that you put this much effort into all of this is rad." Natalie spoke first, stepping a bit closer to [Y/N] and Nina. "I'm definitely gonna celebrate with you. It doesn't matter how my last normal-ish Christmas went."

Toby piped up next, cracking his knuckles as he spoke, "Yeah! We're here to make new memories and stuff. And celebrating with everyone sounds fun, so why not?"

There were murmurs of agreement amongst the Creeps, and words of encouragement directed towards [Y/N], and for the first time since they'd finished decorating, they felt really warm inside.

They sniffed, once again blinking away tears, but a smile broke out on their face. "You assholes are gonna make me cry again. I love you losers, like, so much."

[Y/N] received quite a few hugs and exchanged a lot of Merry Christmases before Nina pulled them off into the hallway, walking backwards to fix their Santa hat and saying something about how she was going to get them cleaned up because their socks were caked in dirt. [Y/N] was just happy that their Christmas wasn't completely ruined, and they were even happier that they got to share it with the people they cared about most.

The rest of the day was spent exchanging gifts, baking cookies and making other desserts, and lazing around by the fireplace. [Y/N] didn't mind that they hadn't gotten any gifts. Getting to see their friends happier than they usually were was more than enough of a gift to them.

There was one more thing, though.

Nearly everyone had gone to sleep by the time [Y/N] had gotten around to trying to clean up, Nina and EJ had insisted on [Y/N] getting some rest. That didn't exactly stop them from pulling the only unopened gift from under the tree and seeking out the lone party pooper.

Jeff was perched at the top of one of the two grand staircases with his chin in his hands. He looked bored, and kind of upset with himself.

"Hey," [Y/N] started, their voice quiet as they sat down cautiously next to Jeff, setting the gift down next to them, "I know you probably don't wanna hear shit from me right now, but I also know that all this Christmas stuff upsets you."

Jeff didn't look at [Y/N] as they spoke, choosing instead to ignore them being there entirely.

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry about all that. Getting all pissed off at me wasn't the right approach, but I get why you're upset." They continued, eyes trained on Jeff for any sign of acknowledgement.

Still nothing.

Pursing their lips, [Y/N] picked up the gift again, motioning to it with their empty hand. "I got this for you. It doesn't even need to be a Christmas gift, just treat it like an, uh, super late birthday gift, I guess. It's stupid, but I thought of you when I saw it and I thought you'd find it funny, but I also modified it a little bit, and I'm gonna go now because I'm talking too much."

[Y/N] set it down next to Jeff, standing up and heading down the hallway in search of wherever their room might be. When he was certain that they were out of range, Jeff reached over and snatched the thing off of the ground. He tore the paper off aggressively and opened the box that was covered in print that was twice as obnoxious as the paper that it was wrapped in.

[Y/N] had chosen a t-shirt that read "Boobs Make Me Smile" in bright yellow print under a yellow smiley face. They'd seemingly sewn in red thread to either side of the face to make it look like it had Jeff's scars.

He snorted as he looked at it; he really loved it, dumb as it might have been. It was at that moment that Jeff got a little bit of his old Christmas spirit back; maybe the holidays wouldn't be so bad anymore.

He made sure to wear the shirt the next day, to let [Y/N] know that he forgave them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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