Chapter 1 - Beginnings

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3rd POV // SBI POV.

It was a fairly bright day today for the tundra. Techno, Phil, Tommy, Wilbur, and Ghostbur were all up trying to figure out what to have for breakfast. Four of them wanted to eat meat. Phil wanted to eat something else to ration and save their meat supply.

In all honesty, the SBI were all clearly craving different things. "Phiiiil, c'mon man, I'm starving! I wanna eat meat!" Whined Tommy. Tommy was the youngest out of the family. He had blonde hair that was a bit long and was tied into a small braid on the side of his head. He had small red wings growing on the side of his head as well as large red wings on his back. Just like how Phil does, but black.

"Yeah, c'mon Phil, don't be like that. You wouldn't deprive us of food now, would you?" Chimed Techno and Wilbur. Techno has pink and back hair that is long like Tommy's and is styled into a braid. His left eye iris is red while the sclera is pitch black. His right eye is completely black, except for a small red pupil. He also has a scar across his left eye. Wilbur has brown hair. Part of his face is green after being revived to represent that he came back from the dead. The man is basically a zombie. Half of his hair is white. He wears a black beanie with his brown coat and yellow sweater underneath with red tinted glasses.

Phil sighed, facepalming. "Oh really guys, I get that you're all starving but we have to save our food supply. Unless you wanna go hunting again by yourselves then go right ahead," Phil said smugly. Knowing the pain of hunting and how much they disliked it. It was a different story back then.

Shouts of protests were thrown at the winged man.




"You wouldn't."

"Oh trust me, I can and I will. Now you fuckers better shut up because we are going to eat something else for breakfast. But, I'll be nice and allow you all to finish the human in our basement for lunch. Then we will go hunting for a new good source for dinner. Sound good?" Phil asked, heating up the stove to cook up steak.


"Alright, Dadza!"


" 'Kay."

"Great. Now eat up, we've got a loooong day ahead of us. And you'll need all the energy you can get." Said Phil as he grabbed plates and began to serve out the steak.

Techno looked outside the kitchen window. The sun had barely left the horizon.

Yeah...a long day ahead of us for sure...


"Wilbur hold still. I need to do your tie."

"I think it's good now Tom- Ow! My neck! Watch it!"

"Shut the fuck up, Wil I'm trying!" Tommy grumbled, trying to loosen and adjust the tie.

"There we go, all done." Tommy stepped away from Wilbur as Wilbur let out an exhale of relief.

Techno, Phil, and Wilbur were ready for work. They were quite infamous for owning multiple businesses and being wealthy beyond belief. However, there have been a few scandals and suspicions of them that no one will mention to them directly. Even if they smile, you can always feel a strange, dark aura around them.

Phil was wearing a black suit and black pants along with a back coat draped around his shoulders.

Techno was wearing something casual. His regular dress shirt and black pants with a red cape with a bit of fluff on the edges.

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