Chapter Two

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Chapter Two - We Wear Pink On Wednesdays


I didn't have my mom drip me off at school. No, I ran inside, she looked at the tears on my face, hugged me, and sent me to my room. I laid on my bed and cried into a pillow, thinking about Gabe. I hope to god that Kellin doesn't end up that way.

I guess I fell asleep at some point, because when I opened my eyes, someone was throwing rocks at my window. What the hell? I get up and look out to see Kellin standing in my yard, chucking rocks.

"What the hell?" I say, opening the window and leaning out.

"Can I please come in? My mom got home and she's gonna freak if I'm not at school."

I sigh. "Fine. Hold on." My mom must have left for work, because no one is home. I run down stairs and open the door.

Kellin rushes in. "Thanks man, I owe you." I nod my head.

"Why can't you just tell her that you got sick?"

He looks down. "She kind of found one of my razors and we haven't talked about it yet."

"Oh, won't you have to after school? Wouldn't you rather get it out of the way?"

"No, I'd like to put it off as long as possible. This isn't the first time and it probably won't behe last." He's still looking at the floor.

"Okay, why don't you just hang out then? We can watch TV or whatever, and wait, how'd you know I was home?" I had told the driver that my mom would take me to school and I told Kellin nothing different.

"I didn't think you'd go to school if you were crying." Oh yeah, I had been crying. I had been thinking of Gabe. Now I'm doing it again.

My eyes start to water again and I looked away. Kellin looked up and stood there, not sure of what to do. I bite my lip to keep it in, but it doesn't work. I cover my mouth with one hand and cry. I slowly sink to the floor and shake with my sobs.

"Shit." He mutters. He kneels down next to me and awkwardly wraps his arms around me. I just sit there and cry with this stranger hugging me.

He shushes me and rocks me back and forth. I stop crying and we sit there. He doesn't move, so I don't either.

Kellin's P.O.V.

I'm sitting on the floor of a strangers house, doing the one thing I truly hate. Touching. I whisper in Vic's ear until he calms down, but I don't move. I usually hate all forms of contact, but I feel better with this strange boy in my arms.

After what seems like forever, but not long enough, he moves. I go to mopve away, but he wraps his arms around my middle. I freeze.

"Thank you." He says into my shoulder. I'm not sure what he means, but I hug back.

He stands up and walks up stairs. He stops halfway. "You coming? Or are you going to sit on theloor of my living room all day?" I get up and slowly follow him up the stairs.

He turns into the last bedroom on the right and I stop in he doorway. I have no idea what colour he walls are, they're to covered with posters. Blink-182, Green Day, Linking Park, Metallica, Kiss, Smashing Pumpkins, All American Rejects, Nirvana, Bob Marley, Skillet, Avenged Sevenfold, everything. He has a guitar in the corner and a sound system with amps and a microphone next to it. He saw me staring and blushed.

"I mess around sometimes." He said, looking at his guitar.

"I sing sometimes." Why'd I say that? I suck at singing. Its more like I impersonate a dying cat in the shower sometimes.

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