06- The worries of a father

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"Toshinori what did I tell you about slouching!" Gran Torino admonished All Might for the twentieth time this morning.

"S-sorry sir!"

Nighteye gave a satisfied smile at the scene.

"Could you not smile at my misfortune?" Toshinori asked Nighteye.

The latter's smile only widened, "No"

All Might could only sigh at his fate.

After a long walk they finally arrived at the front door of the Yagi home.

"Toshinori didn't I tell you that your home is too big? You want my back to break?"

"N-no tha-" Just as All Might was trying to explain himself, the front door slammed open and a small yellow figure could be seen running out.

"Gran gran!" Arthur tackled Gran Torino in a bear hug.

"My lovely grandson!" Gran Torino smile was as radiant as the sun.

All Might: "How bias..."

All he got was a smack on the head from his wife that somehow appeared behind him.

"Stop being jealous" 

After some catching up, All Might decided it was time to get to the topic of today's matter.

"Son today we'll be taking you to test out your quirk"

Everyone's faces suddenly became solemn. They recalled the events that happened yesterday and were still having a hard time processing things.

Gran Torino looked at Arthur in his arms with a complex look, "The kid's going to have a difficult future... but since it has come to this, i'll make sure to train him hard" a dangerous smirk made it's way unto his lips.

Arthur suddenly felt a shiver run down his spine.


Zone 1S

The group arrived at a huge metal gate that was well hidden due to the greenery surrounding it.

All Might placed a passkey on the scanner and the gates opened up after granting them access.

"This is the place where I used to train often when I was younger" All Might informed Arthur who was looking at him with inquiry.

"Although my quirk is very useful in taking down villains, it is also very dangerous if not controlled well" All Might pointed at the deserted grand canyon we were heading towards, "An empty space like this is a good place for learning to control quirks that have a large scale damage potential like mine and yours"

They were still in the dark on what Arthur's quirk was. This was because they they did not ask or rather chose to delay the interrogation session so as to not make Arthur uncomfortable with everything that went on.

The birthday banquet came to a quick close after the grand awakening and it had set of a huge wave of discussion. 

Most where happy that All Might's son was blessed with such a powerful quirk. To them it meant that Arthur would most likely be their next symbol of peace and would continue to ensure their safety from villains. The majority of the Japanese government who had practically worshipped All Might were all grateful for such a powerful quirk awakening.

But this did not mean that everyone felt the same. Some brought up their concerns on whether a child should hold such power. 

Whiles his quirk information would be kept a secret from the public thanks to the help of the government, the scene from yesterday made it clear to everyone that his quirk was extremely powerful. Those that spoke up didn't hate Arthur but were a bit wary of the power he held. But thankfully the banner of being All Might's son helped a lot in swaying their emotions and calming them down.

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