Chapter 40

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Finally..... after another week. The contractions started to kick in. Wooyoung sighed in relief, yet he started to regret it as the contractions were kicking his ass.

He'd been admitted into the hospital right after his water broke at 9 at night.

"Your whining and complaining has finally entered their ears. They're almost here now." San teased.

"Oh shut up." Wooyoung lightly smacked his forearm, "let's see you get pregnant."

"Okay, you know that's not gonna happen." San blinked, "I cannot bottom for the love of my life." He shook his head.

"Uh huh." Wooyoung scoffed, "could you give me a cup of water? My throat feels dry."

"Yeah, sure. Give me a sec." San stood up from his seat and quickly went to get a glass of water.

Returning in less than a minute, he handed it to wooyoung and watched as he slowly took small sips.


"Yeah, I'm gonna get some sleep. I couldn't sleep last night.." Wooyoung mutter gently.

"Okay... it's best to get some rest before you start pushing. You'll need the energy." San stroked his head before helping him lay down properly. He rubbed his cheek before sitting back down.


"I can't believe you're only 3 centimeters dilated! It's been hours." Yeosang exclaimed.


"No! Have they checked on your dilation? I'm pretty sure it has gone up, it can't still be at 3!"


"I'm serious!"

"Yeosang! I'm 6 fucking centimeters dilated already!" Wooyoung slightly shouted.

Yeosang stood there, shunned. "Oh.."

"Yeah, now... sit down." Wooyoung huffed.

Yeosang giggled before settling down and kissing his sons cheek. "You're gonna be just like me.." he muttered.

"Where's San?" Wooyoung asked, now seeing that San isn't there.

"Oh, he's out with jongho. They're getting food for themselves. I was here before you woke up." He shrugged.

"What time is it?"

"Uhh..." Yeosang quickly looked at his watch, "it's about 3 in the afternoon. Why?"

"I've been in labor for 18 hours... I'm tired." Wooyoung whined.

"They must be comfortable in there... it seems that they don't wanna get out."

"Obviously..." Wooyoung trailed off. "Uhm.. I need to use the bathroom."

"Here, I'll help you. Taehyun is sleeping already." Yeosang said as he set taehyun in his car seat gently and quietly.

He then stood up and walked towards Wooyoung, helping him out of bed. Yeosang carefully stood next to Wooyoung an guided him towards the bathroom.

Carefully setting him down on the toilet, yeosang stepped out after making sure everything was alright to Wooyoungs suiting.

He closed the door, but not all the way just so he could hear wooyoung call for him.

He should've stood by the door, but then joohyun started to whine in his car seat. While he was soothing him back to his slumber for the past 15 minutes, he was startled.


Then squeaking cries followed after. He gently set joohyun down.

Yeosang looked up and quickly ran to the bathroom, pushing the door open, he saw Wooyoung there, holding a baby. There was a bit of blood on the floor but he didn't care at that moment.

You.-- C.S x J.W.YOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant