Chapter 38

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Hiiii!! I'm so sorry I have been updating for so long T--T  two more chapters after this! I hope to get this book done by the end of this week.. or month. 


Woo P.O.V:

It's been weeks after the birth of Hwi-young. The newly parents are so over the moon and in love with her cuteness! 

Now, Yeosang or me is next. Am I afraid? About 50%, the high chances are the twins coming early. 

Other than that, I'm quite excited to meet my little babies. As much as San is busy, he still makes time no matter what as my due date gets near. 


Third Person P.O.V: 

Wooyoung is seated on the couch, his back resting on the pillows as it is placed on the arm rest. His legs are up on the couch and he is rubbing his big bump while watching the tv. 

"It's now 4, your dad still has 2 more hours. What should we do? Hm?" He smiled while talking to his bump. 

As if on queue, the front door suddenly opened, making Wooyoung turn his head towards it. Footsteps are heard as keys jingled while being hanged up. 

"San?" Wooyoung perked his head up, his feet attaching to the carpeted rug as he stands up. 

He quickly but carefully makes his way towards the front door, peaking his head out from the wall to check. 

"Hi, baby." San greeting, his back turned towards Wooyoung as he hangs his jacket up. 

"You're home early, why?" Wooyoung asks, now removing himself from the wall to hug his husband. 

"I'm on parental leave." San answered, hugging back as he placed a peck on the youngers temple. 

"Already? We still have about 2 months left though." Wooyoung looked up at him while talking.

"There's a chance they might come earlier. Besides, Jongho said Yeosang is already experiencing braxton hicks and his due date isn't even until 4 weeks away." San explained as he broke the hug and walked towards the kitchen, with Wooyoung following behind. 

"Already? So does this mean that I'm basically next?" Wooyoung asks as he watches San pour himself a glass of water.

"Yup! And as much as I love your cooking, I'm putting you on bed rest until they arrive." San says referring to the twins before taking a sip. 

"What? But I don't want too! You know how much I love to cook!" Wooyoung whined. 

San chuckled before setting his half finished glass down. "Baby, I know that. But right now, I care for you and I want you to get as much rest before the labor starts." 

Just like that, San made his way over and carried Wooyoung bridal style up the stairs and into their room. Wooyoung squeaked and slapped his husbands chest before holding on. 

"You know I'm heavy right now! You don't have to carry me." 

"Nope, you're still light despite you carrying two little babies." San said before setting him down on the edge of their bed. 

"Uh huh." Wooyoung scoffed before fixing himself on top of their covers. "While you're at it, can you help massage my feet? It's killing me." 

"Yeah, of course. Let me get changed real quick." San smiled at him before making his way into their closet. 

He quickly took off his suit attire and threw on a hoodie and sweatpants before making his way back to the bed. Whereas, wooyoung sat there waiting. 


sorry it's so short. 

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