spiderman x criminal reader P.t 12

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M-"..My son"

{|Y/N'S POV|}

I ran to my mother's side and hugged her

I've been crying for the past 3 weeks but all of those tears dont even add up to the amount that I cried when I saw my mom awake

Y-"Your awake. Mom your really awake"

M-"Im so sorry I left you Y/N"

Y-"Your awake.."

I cried and cried I was so happy and relieved

Nurse -"I'll come back later"

The doctor left shutting the door behind him

My mom lifted my head up to look at her

M-"Sit down tell me all about what I missed"

I sat down next to my mom and when I calmed down I told her about everything

About the fight
About the job
About how my friends were there for me

M-"Oh Y/N I'm so sorry. I love you so much"

She hugged me again

Y-"Mom please dont say sorry. I love you too"

We started to talk about anything and everything it felt like I haven't seen her in years even though it was only a few week

I heard a knock at the door. Both me and my mom turned to the door


P-"Hey y/n- OH M-MISS ROSE"

Y-"Peter your too loud"

He coverd his mouth embarrassed of how loud he was without even noticing

P-"Im so sorry but Ms.Rose your awake"

M-"Hello Peter"

Y-"You know Peter?"

M-"Well of course I do. You talk about him a bit you kno-"



P-"You talk about me"

Y-"Dont let it get to your head pete"

P-"Too late"

He sat down on the chair next to the bed then there was another knock

It was the doctor

M-"Oh Mr.Garza I didn't know you were looking after me"

Doc-" Oh y-yes the nurse was here and um a-asking you questions"

It's so weird I was talking to this guy and he seemed so confident I mean he didn't fumble over his words once but now that my mom Is awake he is

M-" Yes he was"

Doc-"Um so you seem in good shape and everything seems fine and you know good"

He chuckled. Why is he so nervous

Doc-"Are your legs still numb?"

M-"Oh yes"

Doc-"M-may I um take a look?"

M-"Of course"

The doctor pulled the blanket to the side to see my moms legs

She had bruises all over them

Y-"Oh my god mom"

Doc-"Its not as bad as it looks. The bruises are healing so they'll be gone in a few weeks"

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