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Noah chases me around the house, running his finger through his cheek and flings it at me. I squeal. "Oh my gosh Noah- stop!"

I try to dodge his throws, making me look like a chicken trying to remove an itch from its back whilst doing the limbo. Making a bee-line for my bedroom, I lock myself in. Noah pushes against the wooden door.

"Noah — you will break the door." I shout through the tiny keyhole.

"It's what happens when you try to paint a coat of gush on my face!"

"Shut up," I grumble, praying that the lock is strong.

I can hear Noah chuckling. He picks the lock and welcomes himself in.

No way is this happening. "Why the heck are you carrying a hair grip around with you?"

"For my gorgeous hair, duh." Noah flips his head, trying the whole Justin Bieber thing.

I can't help but crack a small smile at his utter stupidity. "Seriously Noah, get out or I will scream."

"Seriously chick." He mocks me, grabbing the tennis racket that was still sitting under my duvet covers.

"Your weapon of choice is kind of crappy." He informs me.

I roll my eyes, pushing Noah with all my strength out the door. "Well, I'm sorry I don't have a machine gun handy at two o'clock in the morning." I return before slamming the door in his face.

Now that I know Noah has access to my room, I make a mental note to buy a pull lock.

I hum along to some song that has been stuck in my head for a while now, and ponder over ideas of potential dinners.

I could make meatballs and pasta with tomato sauce. It can't be too hard. I won't give Noah any. He has dinner, right on his face.

I mean; yes, it's pretty gross — but it is all actually edible, I think. Unless anything has gone by its due date. Then he'd be in trouble.

Instead of just deciding on meatballs right away, I go to one of the most reliable things. Google.

Oh Google. Who doesn't love Google? It is the answer to all your questions, queries, project assignments (with a little bit of copy and paste) and many more things.

I just Google something along the lines of 'easy dinner ideas'. After a long time of deciding, I dart to the kitchen and make a stir fry with noodles. My dad used to make it with rice, but I'm sure egg noodles will pretty much cover the need.

I haven't really got much food, just some things that dad and mum gave me.

They forgot the rice.

I have a part time job in a cafe in the small town just outside of where my college is.

I work on the weekends, in the morning. My hours vary, but it's always between eight o'clock in the morning and twelve, half twelve sometimes.

It really depends on my schedule, and my co-workers' schedules.

I don't know if Noah works. I don't even know Noah's last name. Or his favourite colour. The one thing I do know is that I really hate him.

I'm doing a course on photography, so Noah must be too — as the dorms are by course. He could be doing design though, too. Something to do with media and art, stuff like that probably.

I open the cupboards and take out all the ingredients I needed.

Turning around to head to the fridge, I see Noah standing there. I jump, startled. I lean against the kitchen bench, heavily breathing in and out.

"Oh my gosh," I exclaim. "Noah! Do you not have anything better to do than follow me around like a shadow?"

"Well, sorry." Noah rolls his eyes. "If you haven't forgotten - I live here too!"

"Sadly." I mutter, turning on the gas.

"What is your problem with me?" Noah questions.

Then I just burst. "Excuse me? Noah; you haven't exactly been a welcoming roommate either! Do you know how many rude things you have said to me?"

Noah smirks, shaking his head. "Right. You are seriously stupid, Auden. You are so typical, too."

"Typical?" I pause, scrunching my eyebrows. "What does that mean?"

"You expected everything to be oh so perfect. A roommate who would become your 'bestie', a laid back schooling year. Well, guess what? This isn't a film. This is life. You aren't going to be the best of chummies with everybody — so get used to me being around."

My blue-grey eyes widen, and my jaw drops to my neck almost.

I did not expect all of that to come from Noah's mouth. He's never said that many words in one go before.

Noah then storms off. All I hear is the harsh slam of the front door behind him.

I cannot believe him. I'm typical? He is the typical boy; running away from the apartment when he meets a problem.

I hate him so much.

I've known him for so little time, but I hate him so, so much already.


Hello Dreamers :) What do you think of this? Things are getting hot in here *dances*!

Why do you think Noah is so rude to Auden?

Please comment and vote for me, because then I know at least some people like it.

Love you lots, ~ Belle x

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