Epilogue: Reunited Once Again

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Centuries later...

"Ummmm..." A little fairy child, floating in the air, scratched her head, "That Vera lady said that one of the adepti would be here- but Paimon doesn't see anyone!"

A girl laughed, "Paimon, you're too impatient! Let's look around-"

"You called?" A short boy, dark hair with a turquoise under streak, tattoos on his arm, and brilliant golden eyes suddenly appeared.

"EEEEK!" Paimon shrieked at the sudden appearance.

"Paimon!" The girl frowned, "Don't scream! Look- he must be one of the adepti, a known illuminated beast, like Vera said!"

The boy's eyes widened, "You... you are-"

"Lumine?" He asked.

"Wha!" Paimon squealed, "How did this guy know your name?!?!"

The girl smiled, "I'm Lumine, nice to meet you! Though it seems like you already know me..."

He stayed silent.

"Strange..." The girl muttered, "We've only just met, but I feel like we've seen each other before- do I know you?"


He finally began speaking, "No, you don't know me."

"Well, then it's time to get to know each other!" She happily said, with a small laugh at the end.

"My name is..."

" Xiao."

"Nice to meet you, Xiao." Lumine smiled.


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