Chapter 3: Fallen Kingdom

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"Why? Why do you want me as your companion?" Xiao couldn't help but ask.

"I am cursed," Lumine bluntly said.

"Though," She slightly giggled, "I'm sure an illuminated beast like you would have already figured that out."

She already knew that I found out, yet she still keeps me by her side?

Cursed people in Teyvat were considered to be taboo, most people with curses wouldn't dare tell anyone in fear of being hunted down. Mortals would spout stupid things such as, "They'll kill us all!" "They're dangerous!" "Cursed ones are witches!" Xiao, who devoured dreams, knew the awful desires of the people against cursed ones too well. He couldn't care less about the wishes of mortals, but he still hoped for them to be in peace with one another.

He only nodded, but Lumine knew that she had found a companion.

"Well then, let's get moving, shall we?"



An ancient kingdom that created miraculous monster-like machines that plowed land, guarded castles, and protected the people.

However, this land did not worship a god.

Despite that, Khaenri'ah was extremely successful and was thought to be the most powerful nation at the time.

Yet Celestia had to take it all away.

For a kingdom to not be ruled under a god, how could they have become so powerful? Celestia did not recognize its independence, in fact they decided to strip it all away.

500 years ago, Khaenri'ah was brutally torn away from its beauty, reduced to only ashes and wreckage from a war against the gods in Celestia. The people of Khaenri'ah were cursed to become monsters named "Hilichurls," it's guards that stood once proudly, now only husked knights with no purpose, and not an ounce of humanity was seen in them.

"S-Sister, please, run away..." A blonde haired boy grabbed onto his sister's skirt, pleading.

"Aether!" The girl cried, "I'm not going to leave you behind!"

"It's too late for me," He said, clutching a flesh wound on his side.

The girl knew that it was too late for her brother,  yet she still pleaded, "Please... don't leave me like this, we must live through this war, we must defeat Celestia."

The boy only faintly smiled, "Dear sister, we both know it's the end for me."

"The end of Khaenri'ah."

The girl clutched onto the boy, who was now on his knees, "No- I just can't, I'm not going to believe it."

The boy stared into the wreckage of his homeland and kingdom, "Sister, just know that one day, we will be reunited."

"What?" She could only ask.

"In the future, one day," He spoke with softness, "We will meet each other once again, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not in a year, maybe not in a few decades."

She awaited his words, struggling to hold back tears.

"But someday, we will be together once more."

"Yeah," She could only say with tears in her eyes, "I love you, Aether."

"I love you too, Lumine." The boy murmured his last words, and passed.

"May we be reunited."


Lumine struggled to climb up the mountain in front of her, always stumbling back down just when she thought she had made it.

Xiao swiftly scooped up Lumine in his arms, surprising her in the process.

"X-Xiao! I can do it myself..." She huffed, stubborn, despite failing multiple times already.

"Lumine," Xiao said, "This way is much more faster."

With just a leap or two, Xiao with Lumine in his arms, was able to make it to the top of the mountain in just 3 minutes.

Lumine shrieked from Xiao's sudden leaps, but then looked to her side to see a landscape worthy of a hundred artists.

"Wow..." Lumine stared with fascination at the view, "What a sight."

Xiao, as well, was quite astonished at the beautiful view from the mountaintop, "Indeed."

The bright blue sky and fluffy clouds stretched far out, the trees below were a gentle green with a few turning a soft orange. The trees looked like a painted canvas.

The two sat in silence for a bit.

Lumine suddenly coughed to herself, "Ahem, maybe we will record this view another day, but as of  now, we have a journey ahead of us."

Xiao nodded, not forgetting his debts to her.

Trekking in stormy weathers, resting in caves, then moving again. They stayed no longer than a week in one area, as Lumine showed a lot of urgency to move after 7 days had passed.

During that time, Xiao had warmed up to Lumine. He no longer felt like someone who was paying their debts, but instead, a companion and a friend.

He'd sworn to himself to protect Lumine, no matter what. Xiao no longer spent his days starved, lonely, and in constantly pain, but instead with a slight sense of joy whenever he saw Lumine's warm smile and heard her cheerful laugh.

3 months had flown by since the start of their companionship, and although Xiao seemed to not have changed with his moody personality. Lumine knew that he cared, and that Xiao knew that she  cared.

When Lumine felt great sadness when thinking about the past, Xiao would be by her side.

When Xiao was under immense pain due to his karmic debt, Lumine would provide him with her warmth.

One day, he plucked up the courage to ask a question he avoided for so long.

"Lumine." He said suddenly while eating some bread Lumine bought.

"Mmf," Lumine was chomping away at her slice, "Yes, Xiao?"

He sat awkwardly in silence for a while, then finally began speaking.

"What is your curse?"


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