Keep To The Shadows (Tech x Reader)

Comenzar desde el principio

"Knock 'em dead!" Wrecker called as he pried himself out of his seat, earning an amused look from you.

"Wrecker, you remember Hunter said the two of them are just scouting the area, right? Nobody should be knocking anyone dead."

Wrecker crossed his arms. "Yeah, I know! I just wanted to be supportive," he huffed. You patted his broad shoulder in reassurance.

You had been idly spinning on one of the chairs in the cockpit when Hunter's voice transmitted from your communicator. "Y/N, Tech, are you there?"

Tech spun in his chair towards you, moving closer to your communicator as he responded, "Yes, we are here. How thick does the security appear to be?"

"It's mostly pretty tame, nothing that you two couldn't avoid," Hunter reported. "There does seem to be a rotation of guards though, so keep your eyes open for that."

You nodded until you remembered Hunter wouldn't be able to see the gesture and responded, "Right. So how are we going to know where to go?"

"Omega has been punching in the coordinates to the various locations and sending them over," Hunter explained. "Tech, you should be recieving them now." Tech held up his arm, tapping some buttons in his wrist before a virtual map popped up. There were red dots scattered across the green grid.

"I got it," Tech announced, then looked to you. "In that case then, I suppose we best be going." You gave him a swift nod, getting to your feet as the two of you exited the ship the same as Hunter and Omega had minutes prior. You and Tech placed your helmets over your heads as you made your way down the last of the steps.

"Good luck!" Omega said to the two of you before the transmition cut out. You smiled a little to yourself.

Stepping off the ramp into the dark forest, your eyes went up to the bright moon overhead. Then you looked to Tech, who naturally took the lead, seeing as he had the coordinates to guide the both of you. Tech flipped down his hemet's visor over his glasses, taking a sweeping look over the forest before turning to you. You could vaguely see his eyes past the two layers of lenses. "Our best course of action is to go South-East first," he informed you. "That will take us to our nearest target location."

"Got it," you replied, following after Tech as he crept into the trees. You kept low as well, your eyes remaining ever vigilant to your surroundings as you moved. You weren't Hunter, but you did have a good eye for spotting movement or finding things that seemed out of place. However, you did find your gaze drifting to Tech a few more times than necessary, observing how the green light of the virtual map would light his helmet's features with a dim glow. 

Both of you managed to keep quite a quick and steady pace through the plantation, but it came to a halt as you neared the first location on the map. Stealth suddenly became more important than speed, seeing as you caught sight of a guard strolling along the building's side as you got close. "Tech," you whispered to alert him.

"I see the guard," he murmured back in response, and the two of you crouched down in between some bushes to stay out of sight. Your arms brushed against each other as you huddled down beside one another, the two of you briefly exchanging looks as you did. Suddenly it felt a bit hotter within your helmet as you realized how close to Tech you really were. You could hear the soft intakes of air filtering through his helmet, and as he flipped up his visor, you could better see his warm, chocolate-brown eyes. 

"Y/N?" Tech's gentle voice pulled you from your thoughts and you snapped to attention.

"Uh?! Yes, Tech?" you asked, noticing his gaze was fixated on you.

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