#2 - Abominable Beasts

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"Aiden!" a lady approaches him. "I found my leg." She looks at Jason. "Oh, congratulations for getting back on the team."

"Thanks, Tina." Jason replies.

"So this is not yours." Aiden looks baffled. "Sorry for this." He hands over the leg to Jason, embarrassed.

"It's alright." Jason says, while Aiden gets up and treads to the Center.

"Well, good luck for the National Championship, Jason." Tina says and follows her boyfriend.

As the spectators resume to their activities, Jason sits on a bench, panting. The prosthetic leg lays beside him.

"She wasn't lying when she said her boyfriend is an Olympic sprinter."

              He wipes the sweat from his forehead using his handkerchief and takes out his phone, the inbox stuffed with congratulatory messages. He scrolls down through his inbox, specifically searching for someone. His head sags down when he finds no message from a Chris Barnslow.

"Jason!" a young man approaches him.

"Hey, Peter," Jason gets up, holding the prosthetic leg. "I was on my way."

Peter reaches him. "One of my friends saw you here, so I came. Thanks for finding it."

Jason gives him the leg. He hesitates to speak what he wanted to say next.

"My brother's recovering from his shoulder injury." Peter answers him. "The physician says that he can train again from next week."

Jason sighs with relief. "Thanks for telling me." He then rubs the back of his neck.

"I don't know what happened between you two. But-" Peter's phone rings. "Oh, it's from Professor Hopkins' office. Got to go." Peter rushes away, leaving Jason alone.


Jason receives a new notification.

Pattin's Movers Inc.: Your belongings are now on its way to Eisenhower Aquatics Center.

"Okay." Jason wears his cap and slides his phone into his shorts' pocket. He walks past the Eisenhower Center, where a small truck labelled Pattin's Movers Inc. arrives. He steps toward the Manslon Liberal Arts Center for the last time.


"What is all of this?" Jason scans the various sketches plastered on the walls of his now vacant room. He starts peeling out all the sketches from the walls carefully.

"Thank God I came here." Jason tosses the sketches to the floor. He pauses when he comes across a sketch of a man in his early thirties.

"Do I know him?" he peels off the sketch. He looks at the other sketches that lay on the floor. After a few moments, Jason hits his forehead, "How did I forget Dr. Banks?"

He recollects the time Dr.Banks saved his life when he got into an accident fourteen years ago...

"What is this!" said a high pitched voice. Jason turns to see his friend Brian near the door, petrified. He rushes to the sketches. "Lenkins would kill us when he finds out we did this to his walls."

"No, he won't." Jason assures him.

Brian helps Jason peels off the rest of the numerous sketches.

"Hey," Justin says. "Do you know anyone who would do this?"

"No." Brian says, now calmer. "Did you check with Security?"

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