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"His imperial majesty has summoned you."

Those words alone were enough to throw you into a frenzy. Your father? The man that had shown no interest in you for the past 20 years of your life?

"Imperial father has summoned...me??" You asked, baffled at the eunuch's words. Most children born from lower concubines spent their entire lives without seeing their father, the emperor's, face and you were content with that, it had always been your lifelong goal to go unnoticed by the harem. To live a life forgotten by those above you and leave that damned palace one day to live quietly in some farmland.

"Yes, his imperial majesty said to make haste as this is a matter of utmost importance."

"Did I, by chance, offend his majesty?"

The eunuch sighed in frustration.
"I am not allowed to disclose any information, lady (last name)."

"Ah... in that case, please lead the way." You replied, exiting the small building you called home. While still anxious, you were now more focused on trying to figure out what you did to be called all the way to the main palace.

In comparison to the humble living quarters lesser concubines and their children were provided with, the main palace was worlds apart, even the floor people walked on was worth more than anything (name) could imagine. The regal and over the top surroundings made her feel out of place.

"I'm afraid this is as far as I can escort you, his imperial majesty will be waiting on the other side." The eunuch said before opening the doors to reveal a magnificent room, bowing towards the man sitting at the centre of it before leaving.

Next to the emperor sat the empress, both draped in luxurious silks (name) could only dream about. Expensive jewelry adorned every part of their bodies. And around them sat the Imperial consort, crown prince and a few other princes and princesses all of whom looked down at the female, inspecting her from top to bottom.

"I greet his Imperial majesty the sun of the empire and her Imperial highness the empress." (Name) immediately said, bowing down to show her respects to the Imperial couple.

Sweat ran down her face as she dared not meet eyes with those in front of her, their imposing auras making her feel more insignificant than an insect.

She could hear them whisper something among themselves.

"Look up." The emperor commanded. (Name) could only agree as she lifted herself, eyes still locked on the floor.

"Yes, you'll do nicely." He continued.

"She looks so plain." A woman's voice commented.

"Nothing some makeup can't fix." Another added. As they continued to talk among themselves (name) could only wonder what they wanted, glad she didn't unknowingly offend anyone but anxious to find the purpose of the summon regardless.

A few more minutes passed before they finally acknowledged her presence again.

"You must be confused child, I summoned you here to determine whether you were fit to be sent to the Northern Kingdom's new ruler. Consider yourself fortunate, you will be able to serve your duty as princess for the empire." The emperor explained.

(Name) was never fond of politics but even she knew what this meant, it was practically sending her to her death, she wanted to object to the emperor's wishes, she wanted to scream, to cry or run away but instead she was stuck there, motionless, like an idiot.

She was guided towards a side palace, while it was nothing in comparison to the emperor's palace, it was beautiful in its own right. Maids loitering around the residence all turned to look at the female, all just as confused as (name), no one dared to say a word until, the original resident of the palace spoke out.

"What is she doing here?!" It was one of the princesses present with the emperor, if her memory served her right (name) was almost sure she was the one who called her plain.

"Greetings to her highness the Princess—"

"Was I talking to you?" She interrupted, a cold expression on her face as she pushed (name) aside and instead approached the servants accompanying her.

"His imperial majesty requested you let her highness the 7th princess reside here as the outer palaces are too far out from the main palace."

"That doesn't explain why she's here, why didn't father send her somewhere else?!"

"Now now dear sister, this is the least we can do towards the 7th princess since she'll be going to the Northern Kingdom on your behalf." Another voice, one that (name) also recognuzed from the summon room, interrupted.

"Brother!" The princess turned around and hugged the man.

You along with all servants present in the premise all greeting him but he simply ignored it, more focused on his sister.

"It's not like she'll be staying for long, a week at most, don't worry, I'll ask his majesty to reward you after this."

'So this is how it is.' You thought.
'Most princesses are either married or too young, that leaves me and the 8th princess. Of course the emperor wouldn't send his favorite daughter to the barbarians up north so she's immediately written off.'

The princess glared at (name) before walking away into the palace, leaving her alone with the prince and the two servants assigned to escort her.

"A word of advice, princess, you'd be better off not upsetting my sister. " The peince spat.

"Yes, your highness."

With that, they finally guided name inside the palace to a side room, concluding her day.

(Name) simply fell to the floor the moment the door was closet, hugging herself to attempt to calm down.

Her goal had always been to live quietly and die a peaceful death, so why did this happen?

'Calm down (name), you're just going from one harem to another, it won't be that different.' It was a stupid thought, (name) knew that she lived as the daughter of an insignificant concubine in this palace but in the North she'd be living as a wife candidate, she knew that.

The next few days were a blur for (name), she had barely settled into her new life, swarmed by servants and etiquette and language teachers.

"My, I'm impressed, your language skills as formidable, your highness." The tutor praised.

"It was only natural for me to learn it since we're in the Norther Kingdom's sphere of influence." (Name) replied, uncomfortable with how kind the tutor was with his words, something he hadn't experienced often before.

Aside from the occasional one sided confrontation led by the 8th princess the week when by without a hitch.
It seemed as though everyone but her was looking forward to the day they could see her off.

"You're highness please stay still I need to tighten this thing." A maid exclaimed, trying to pull on the strings of a corset.

"No you've tightened it too much I can't breathe!" The female exclaimed.

After another few attempts they finally managed to tighten it. (Name) felt uncomfortable in their clothing, they were much tighter and restrictive compared to their own looser garments.

The clothes felt foreign and uncomfortable to her but there was little she could do as, according to her etiquette teachers, she was to leave a good impression on the Norther King, Johan de Schwartz.

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