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You were always an avid fan of horror, gore, thriller or the like were your first choice when choosing something to read during evenings after work.

Among all your favorite authors there always stood out one name, whose books you'd always store away with extra care and pages you'd turned over and over again, Lukas. There was no face or last name associated with that name, not in the beginning at least.

Unlike other authors, there was not much about him, he was quite a small writer as well, none of his books were very popular and most fans of the genre had never even heard his name so you were always curious. Who exactly was 'Lukas'?
So it came as no surprise that you were one of the first of his few fans to attend his meet-and-greet, which was held at a library on a particularly rainy day.

It was nothing out of the ordinary, he had released a new book and signed them for anyone who wanted to.

The ambience was strange, aside from the occasional murmurs of the few attendees or sounds of thunder reverberating outside, nothing else could be heard. Even the lights didn't brighten the strangely dim-looking room.

That's when he entered, Lukas. He was tall, and supported shoulder length black hair, a small ponytail tied at the back in an attempt to make it stay clear of his face and dull blue eyes to match with his stoic expression.

A few people muttered amongst themselves as he entered but the room suddenly went completely quiet, the sound of the rain taking over.

He cleared his throat before introducing himself.

"As you may have already guessed,

𝐀𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐒Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt