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They called him the devil, he would gladly kill anyone if asked but in exchange would strip one of what was most valuable to them.

Footsteps echoed through the grimey street as the female walked through it, lifting her dress so as to not stain it and raise suspicion among her escorts waiting at her just a few streets over.

The street, no, alley was more accurate, was overrun by beggars, drunk men and even some prostitutes littered here and there. [name] took extra care to avoid all of them until she safely reached the entrance of what looked to be a put, maybe slightly better taken care of than the rest but a grimey, low-end pub nonetheless.

All sorts of crowds gathered inside it but [name] had no interest in them, she waltzed towards the bartender, greeting him before giving him her 'order'.

"I'd like an Old Tom style Gin, please add extra cranberry juice in there as well."

The bartender paused for a moment, staring at her from head to toe before leading her to a separate room on the second floor of the establishment.

The room itself wasn't anything special, a large red carpet placed in the centre along with two sofas facing each other, separated by a long wooden table. The bare minimum, [name] would say but she wasn't here to judge their decor. Her brows knit together as she tried to appease her nerves.

"It seems I made you wait." A voice said. [name] looked up to find an older man standing in front of her, not the type you'd expect to find in that line of business.

"N-no, it's fine."

"In that case, before we begin, I'd like to ask if you'd like to turn back on your offer, we could pretend this never happened and no payment would be involved."

[name] paused for a second, she could go back, she could but the moment she stepped out of her estate she had made her mind, she couldn't afford to turn back now.

'For [d/n].'

"No, I've made up my mind."

"Well then, please introduce yourself and what you'd like, ma'am."

"My name is [name] [last name], my husband recently died and a relative from his family has been very adamant in trying to stake his claim on his property."

"So you'd like him killed?"


"Please write their name down on this paper and leave the rest to us."

"W-what about payment?"

"We only take payment once the job has been completed."

No more words were exchanged after that as [name] simply wrote the relatives name down and left.


"I've returned, my lord."

"Ah~. Edward, anything report worthy?"


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