Get In Get Out

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Barbara POV

When I arrived at Justin's apartment building, it was 9:30 pm. All of the police cars that I saw here on the news earlier were gone. This was the perfect time to slip into his apartment and slip out before anyone could see me. 

"You're back, is everything okay?" The security guard said.


"You were here earlier weren't you? You were running out of her like a madwoman and said you had a family emergency."

Fuck. How did he recognize my face when I had a hood on my head earlier and my face was down on the ground?!! It was then that I forgot I was wearing the same clothes earlier except I forgot to put my hood on my head this time and I was looking at the security guard in his face! How could I be so stupid!

"Oh yeah, everything is fine. I just forgot to give my boyfriend something."

"Okay, go right ahead." He motioned me towards the elevator. 

When I got to Justin's apartment, I saw yellow tape blocking the doorway. Now how do I get past this tape without ripping it? I wasn't cat woman nor was I flexible so there was no way I could get through this without ripping it. 

I stood with my head up against the wall in frustration when I suddenly started to feel a chilly breeze coming from the left of me. I looked and saw the window open. That's right! I could go through his window! I thought. 

I went over to the window and climbed out onto the fire escape. I was afraid of heights but tonight, that fear left my body. I tiptoed over to this apartment window and attempted to open it. It was opened! Just as I suspected. 

I could not turn on the lights because someone would see me so instead, I used my flashlight on my phone. Okay, Barbara, all you have to do is find your lighter and get out. The voice in my head said to me.

I looked around on my way to the closet. There were crime scene yellow objects everywhere. What have I done? I thought. I was staring at his bedroom when I heard a sound at the bottom of my heels. I jumped. "Oh, that was just the floor creaking."

Shit, I forgot to take off my heels. Someone must have heard me on the fire escape. I took them off and started walking barefoot. The floor was cold. I finally found his closet. I flashed my light towards the floor and there was my lighter in the corner. So I was right, it did fall out of my pocket. 

I took it up as fast as I could and tip-toed to the window and onto the fire escape. I closed the window but did not lock it. If the police has already been here, there was a possibility that they inspected it and left it open for a reason or maybe Justin left it open. All I knew was I was going to leave everything the way I found it. 

When I made my way back into the hallway, I walked as fast as I could back to the elevator. Inside, I put my heels back on. The last thing I would want was the security guard asking me more questions. He seemed like a very nosy man. 

"You leaving already?"

"Yeah, have a goodnight."


I left the building. Hopefully, the police did not question him and he did not mention me.

Caught Red Handed: Sleeping with His Enemy Part 3Where stories live. Discover now