"I did a diagnosis on this thing here," I said, pointing at the machine.

"Can you believe it ? It works like a SPM,"Evan said and I continued.

"It's putting out some kind of low study power pulse, which seems to disappear into thin air," I said and turned to the others, who were looking at me blankly.

"And what does that mean exactly?" Scott asked and I sighed.

"I was the only one paying attention at Logan's computer lab lessons, wasn't I?" I asked, mostly myself and got back on explaining.

"I am saying that the pulse has trapped Kurt to some other dimension," I concluded and Scott walked closer to me and the gizmo.

"So, let's trash this thing," Evan said excitedly.

"I am not sure this is gonna work, what if we just reset it?" I said and Scott grabbed the gizmo out of my hands and placed it on a table inside the centre of the lab.

"Resetting it is gonna take time, we need to make this quick," Scott said determined to have this his way.

There is no pressure why should we do this in a rush?

"Everyone step back I am gonna use full power, this is gonna get messy " Scott said and I just couldn't understand, what was wrong with him.

This is Kurt's life we’re talking about, not an explosive video game.Apart from that if he uses full power, we are definitely gonna get unwanted attention.

I will try putting some sense to him.

"You know, I could just phase through the gizmo and quietly short it out," I offered, but Evan and Scott looked at me like I had just said the craziest thing ever.

I sighed and shook my head at them.

"Okay, forget I said anything," I said and crossed my arms.

He is the leader after all.

"What is with guys and explosions anyway?" I asked Jean, who was standing next to me and laughed at my comment.

Out of nowhere Kurt appeared with a blinding light around him, He was like a ghost.

"Reset it, don't!-" he said and disappeared the same way he appeared.

"You guys saw that, right?" Scott asked shocked 

"No, you are hallucinating," I said sarcastically, he turned to me wide-eyed

"What?" He asked 

"I am kidding! Of course, we saw it!" I said and he sighed in relief.

Kurt was right, Scott can’t take jokes.

"He is alive," Anne muttered to herself.

"So, we need to reset it!" I said, approaching the gizmo. 

"No, he said 'reset don't'. You know don't reset it! He wants us to blow it up!" Evan and my jaw dropped.

"Are you serious? He said ' reset it, don't' he wants us to reset it!" I argued getting frustrated with him.

"No Kath! He meant not to reset it, just do it already Scott!" Evan said and my grip on my bow became stronger as my anger build up.

"I swear you guys are obsessed!" I yelled. 

"It seems more like a warning to me," Scott said and I hoped that he would get it.

"A warning for the goofman himself! Nah, shoot that sucker!" Evan said and I clenched my jaw.

ShadowCat And The X-Men (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now