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The next day my grandmother (halmoni) came into my room telling me she made some chicken rice porridge and I just needed to heat it up bc she was going over to her friend's house Marisol (ruby's abuelita) she must have known I was feeling terrible although I'm not even sure why I was barely drinking I must be a cold or something anyway after I ate the porridge I realized we were out of milk so I went to the store

once I was at the store I walked around looking at all the food I found out they started selling new milkshake flavoured mint?? people are so creative oh yeah milk! I remembered that's what I was here to get, as I started making my way over to the fridge bit I looked at how they put the soya milk on the second-highest shelf damit! being 5'1 sucks I thought as I tried to jump up to reach it all of a sudden I heard someone laughing behind me I turned around and it was that stupid purple shirt guy again I could feel my face going red so I turned back around I could feel him getting closer to me then he tapped me on the shoulder when turned back he handed me the soya milk I wasn't sure what to say so I just looked at him and said thanks before going up to the cashier to pay

when I was walking back home I couldn't believe I saw him twice but he did seem very sweet ahh I had to tell the girls about this lol

Yuna: was he hot??

Lilly: yeah was he?

ha-ri: who cares about the guy who puts soya milk that high up tf??

me: haha ikr and he was okay looking ig... 

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