Nevertheless, Gathering of the Brethren

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Bitna was meeting everyone for the first time, old and new friends alike, with Nam Gyu Hyun as her lover. This fact aroused a portion of her that she found strange. Why would she be overjoyed about the prospect of a relationship? What was he doing to her, this guy?


Still, she went to the hairdresser and had her hair coloured, this time specifically for him. She had chosen to meet them at the location rather than having him come to her house so they could go together. Bitna hoped that her colour choice, combined with the new bracelets he had given her, would surprise him. She refused to accept that the dress he bought her was attractive or even contemplated wearing it.

Baby steps Gyu Hyun. Baby steps.

When Bitna walked into the neighbourhood pub near their school, everyone turned back at the sound of the door opening.

"Bitna! You had your hair dyed!" Jiwan exclaimed first. "Oh my gosh! It's so cool. You're so cool." She added from beside Sol.

"Really cool," Sol added with a bright expression.

"It's the first time you've done blue. It's fantastic." Nabi leapt to her feet and embraced her. Their bracelets became entangled in each other's hair as they were liberated. While Nabi was doing the same on the opposite side, Jae-eon rose and took Bitna's bracelet out of Nabi's hair.

He sat back down with a tiny smile on his face when he was finished. After then, Bitna took Nabi's hand in hers to examine the bracelet. It was as lovely as Gyu Hyun had described it, but the most important thing was that her companion was beaming from ear to ear. It was nearly annoying to watch. She couldn't dispute, though, that Jae-eon appeared to be captivated with Nabi. He gave Nabi the same look Bitna was starting to recognise as love.

Could Park Jae-eon really be in- nah! She didn't let the idea completely form.

"Twinsies," Nabi whispered and Bitna nodded. The guys looked away immediately and the ladies turned a questioning eyebrow at them.

She was soon engulfed in Gyu Hyun's embrace, oblivious to the fact that he couldn't stop staring at her hair and muttering comments about her hair and overall beauty. The others taunted them since it was so obvious. "Who fell for whom first?" Jiwan then inquired.

Bitna and Gyu Hyun exchanged silent glances. Then, he cleared his throat.

"I fell for her first, from the beginning." The others cooed and Bitna thought perhaps she should let them in on something she had discovered a while back.

"Actually, I fell first."

Nabi straightened in Jae-eon's arms, "What?"

Of course, it would shock her the most.

"He was the first one who gave me a different look. He was the only other person, aside from Nabi, who didn't try to modify me or question my lifestyle after only a few minutes of meeting me. Rather, he escorted me to a few pick-up points. Instead of dating, he even recommended 'double pickup.' That's probably why, despite my belief that guys and girls can never be just friends, I stuck with him. Until we weren't, we were simply friends. So, after meeting and talking with him for the first five minutes, I fell in love with him."

Gyu Hyun kissed her as he drew her closer. A passionate kiss that conveyed everything he felt and needed to say. When they parted, she grinned.

Bitna adored him with all of her heart. He was the wisest choice she had ever made. For the first time, she chose to tell him just that.

"I love you totally hot Nam Gyu Hyun."

He blushed. "I love you too Bibi."


As the night went on, drinks multiplied and the conversation got deeper. Jae-eon couldn't help but admire what Gyu Hyun and Bitna had. Despite only knowing Bitna through the eyes of Gyu Hyun and Nabi, he could see that she was a beautiful influence on his friend and girlfriend. The bracelet was an even greater touch especially since she decided to match it with her hair. It was no doubt a wonderful present for her.

Jae-eon recognised he didn't want to wait a million years to express his sentiments when Bitna expressed hers. Nabi's head was on his chest, virtually touching him, and her frequent giggling or initiating body contact by cuddling closer to him told volumes about his sentiments.

There was no way he was going to make it another day without letting these emotions out.

Across the room, Bitna asked Sol and Jiwan about when they first discovered their love for each other.

"I don't think it matters who fell for who first," Sol said.

"Of course it does," Jiwan burst out laughing. "It happened when I was in high school. The entire class exploded into mayhem as the teacher revealed that we were getting a new student. Some people wondered if it was a boy or a girl. Then she was summoned, and everyone was ecstatic. She, on the other hand, appeared to be completely out of place."

"And it wasn't because of her hair, clothes, or figure; she was physically flawless, but her gaze was fixed on the rest of the class. It was as if a machine was looking for a safe spot in the room. When she assumed there was nothing there, I could see how her shoulders sagged. After that, I couldn't concentrate on the teacher. So, as soon as school was finished, I dashed out of the classroom and towards her. I put my hand on her shoulder and said hello. Everything was supposed to be OK because all I wanted was to be her friend, but then she smiled. She smiled at me! I went bonkers."

Sol laughed at that.

"To be honest, you drove me insane. You still do. I believe I stayed with you from that point on because I only wanted two things: to never see you in need of a safe haven since I will always be there for you, and to always see you happy. If I'm the reason for it, that's a plus."

"Gosh, you are too sweet for my heart," Sol said.

"What exactly is this? You're turning me into a mushy mess." They all chuckled when Nabi spoke. After that, the talk took a different turn, which Jae-eon appreciated. He wanted to tell Nabi about his feelings, but he hoped they would be alone the first time in case she rejected him.

It was almost midnight when they all parted ways promising to get together more. During the car ride back to Nabi's place, she snuggled into him and slept like a cat. A pretty adorable cat.

"Wake up, we're home." As much as Jae-eon would like to spend the night, he had to go to his department's studio first thing the next day to work on his project. Though he promised to spend the night at her place and she nodded.

Jae-eon figured this was his moment, with her gaze exclusively on him, stars shining brightly overhead, and soft streetlights. Everything that had happened that night had built up to this moment, letting the person who meant the world to them know how much he or she meant to them. What if she says no?

Could his heart take it?


Her lips turned upwards and in her drowsy state, she replied. "Mn." Then, she kissed him as she always does when permitting him to do more with her.

"I-" A shout broke him off mid-sentence.

"Yu Nabi! Come inside now!"

They went completely still. With the rage of a thousand angry birds, Nabi's mother stood in front of the building.


Gosh! I love this chapter. It has to be my favorite of all. Maybe another one will take over it.

Plus there's a SolJiwan scene. I've looked forward to writing about them and it just seemed perfect to bring them in now.

If you like it, let's talk about it in the comments section. I'm itching to read your thoughts. By the way, don't withhold my votes. I see all of you reading it and forgetting to show that you like it. 😒 Not cool.🙄

Special shout-out to HabibaElfarra and MimiNation2021 for the consistent love you've shown since I started this book. Thank you. 🦋💖

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