001. the hottest ones there

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💋 chapter one

third person.

"never need a bitch, i'm what a bitch need. tryna find the one that can fix me. i've been dodging death in the six-speed," delilah sung along with the song almost blaring through the speakers in her bedroom as she got ready.

humming along to the next few line while she concentrated on her makeup — making sure it looked perfect for their first day at their new school after moving across the country for their senior year.

"tryna love me but they never get a pulse down.." she continued, "why? cause i'm heartless. and i'm back to my ways cause i'm heartless. all this money and this pain got me heartless. low life for life cause i'm heartless-"

"delilah!" abigail exclaimed once more, this time getting her twin's attention. "oh my god finally," she let out a sigh, although the comment when unnoticed to the other.

"what'd you want, sis?" delilah tilted her head slightly, looking over at her sister stood just inside the bedroom as she turned her music down a bit to properly hear the younger.

"i'm trying to talk to my boyfriend before we go to school and since he's got a free right now, but even he can hear your obnoxious music," she explained. "so can you please turn it down, or even better use headphones because it's too early to deal with it."

"but it's not as fun that way," she playfully groaned. "also tell thomas i said hi," delilah added with a smile in attempts to get on her sister's good side.

"i will.." she gave her a small nod while looking her outfit up and down, slightly furrowing at her choice of a tight black low waisted mini skirt and fitted black corset style top "is that what you're wearing?"


"are you not scared of getting dress coded?" abigail tilted her head slightly as the elder shook her's. "you would have never worn something like that to school in maryland.."

"yeah but it's the first day for everyone so all the girls are gonna be overdressed, wanting to show off their 'summer glow ups', you know," delilah explained, using air quotes. "now that's cute but let's be the hottest ones there."

"dee, i'm comfortable in this.." she responded, adjusting the way her slightly oversized shirt laid over her jeans. "and i don't need to impress anyone."

"just because you have a boyfriend doesn't mean you can't mess around a little with some of the west valley boys' feelings," she shrugged.

"oh delilah," abigail shook her head as she turned around and heading out of her sister's room. "keep your music down," she yelled out before entering her own bedroom.

about fifteen minutes had passed and after abigail had ended the call with her boyfriend back in maryland and delilah finished getting ready, the two were now downstairs grabbing a snack each to eat on the drive to school as breakfast — the both not really ones to eat much before midday.

nancy, their mother, joined the girls in the kitchen shortly after, giving them a warm smile each as she looked between them. "are you two all ready for the new school?" she questioned.

"mhm," they hummed in sync.

"and would you like me to drop you off at school or are you going to drive delilah?"

"yes please mom, please drop us off," abigail quickly responded since she's yet to be in the car with her sister driving and doesn't fully trust her.

"no, abbi, don't be silly" dalilah shook her head. "let mom go do her work, i'll drive us. don't stress, it's only like five minutes."

"it's almost fifteen minutes away so i'll drive you two," nancy replied as she made her way around the kitchen table and picking up her keys from the small bowl on the edge of the counter.

"mom i'm capable of driving that far," she argued. "dad let me drive part of the way here from maryland, remember."

"delilah, abbi's not yet comfortable with you driving so i'll take you two, i don't want any more arguing. plus it's your first day at your new school, and your last first day of high school so i think i should be dropping you off."

"finee," delilah groaned, partly spinning on the spot as she was being overdramatic.

"let's go then," their mother slightly tilted her in the direction of the front door, watching the twins as they both swung their bags over their shoulders.

"shotgun," delilah called out while have a little skip in her step as she walked away from the kitchen. "and i bags aux as well."

"sure," abigial softly sighed although she does in fact rather their mother driving with delilah controlling the music over delilah driving and also controlling the music.

"just not too loud, lila," nancy added.

"yes mother," she nodded as she made her way out of the front door, her sister following shortly behind her.

their mother unlocked the car for the girls as she closed the front door behind herself and locked it before making her own way over to the drivers seat. inserting her keys and starting the engine up, sending a quick message while delilah set up the music.

abigail let out small sigh from the backseat as her sister of course shuffled her usual playlist that consisted of the weeknd, drake, doja cat, megan thee stallion and other artist similar to them — where as the younger twin preferred more of a pop style of music.

"now, i'm not supposed to finish work till four but i'll try and come up after school to pick you two up," nancy mentioned as she begun the short drive to east valley high school. "if i can't, i'm sure you two will be fine waiting around school for half hour."

"see abbi this is why i-"

"i don't want to hear it!" nancy slightly raised her voice at her daughter as she interrupted her, keeping her eyes on the road. "if you're going to keep complaining about abbi not yet being comfortable with you driving, i'll take the car off of you."

"okay.." delilah mumbled, leaning back into the seat as she focused mainly on the music.

the rest of the ten minutes was filled with barely any talking, just listening to the music while a few small comments where shared between their mother and mainly abigail, not much from the elder twin though as she ate the snack she choose as her breakfast.

pulling up to the school, delilah quickly used her phone camera as a mirror to double check her makeup and also make sure there wasn't any granola crumbs around her mouth, while abigail waited for her to do so.

"have a good day you two," nancy sent them a smile as they opened the car doors. "and do not make any silly decisions, delilah."

"i won'tt."

slightly updated first chapter
so you all have something to get
excited for the rest 😁

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