
Start bij het begin


I was in the music room putting food in the bag that na-yeon gave me, once the bag was full I was about to leave when I spotted another bag, I decided that I should bring two bags of food so it will last a little longer so that's what I did I grabbed the empty bag and started putting the remaining food in it that was on the shelf, once I was done I left the music room, but something didn't look right... All the zombies were gone I didn't see any of them, that's when I looked out the window I saw that they're chasing a helicopter that went pass our school, I guess they didn't even think about checking inside the school.. I thought to myself as I continue walking back to the classroom we were hiding in I could smell suhyeok's sent so I followed it back to the room they were in. I got to the classroom and opened the door that was being guarded by wu-jin who Fell on the ground because of the sudden door opening I looked at them and they were relieved to see me alright but what shocked them the most is the two bags I was carrying I entered the classroom before shutting the door behind me "whew! Your alive!" Dae-su said dramatically while hugging me "yeah yeah whatever get off me.." I' didn't want them to know that my ears flush red when I lie, so covered my ears so they won't see it " why are you covering your ears? " Joon-young said which caught everyone's attention fuck.. what do I do now? I thought to myself as they were waiting for an answer, that's when na-yeon decided to expose me to everybody " I know the answer to that question! " Na-yeon said, I glared at her to not do anything stupid but she did it anyway.

"Do you love being with us gwi-nam?" Once she said that my ears started to turn red, "n-no.." was all I could say before everyone was staring at my ears which are as red as a strawberry by now, even more embarrassing is that na-yeon told dae-su to hug me even tighter so my arms will stay put, great now everyone knows my ears flush red when I lie... Now neither of them stopped saying things like "do you see us as your friend?" Or "do you care about us?" Some random bullshit people would say that's when they're questioning stopped when cheong-san said something that made my ears go even more red "will you enjoy it if I called you love?~" that caught their interest they looked at me waiting for an answer, "no.." my ears went red and they started laughing while pointing at my ears I covered my ears in pain since they were literally laughing so loud once they realized they were being too loud they stopped laughing,

(Time skip to midnight this is still gwi-nam's pov)

It's midnight and I couldn't sleep I just looked out the window, I soon got bored so I tried to force myself to fall asleep, but I couldn't I sigh in frustration fuck you insomnia.. I whispered that quietly as I kept looking out the window, that when I saw a shadow behind me of course I'm not like any of those people that would freak out when they see a random shadow, I just turned around and to my expectations nothing was there and I was just hallucinating, it's been 6 hours and I'm starting to lose my sanity because of all the noises I was hearing outside, I zoned out when I heard a loud noise from a bird outside the window that hit my final nerve as my body acted on its own and all of a sudden I grabbed my knife on the table next to me and I threw it aggressively out the window to my surprise the knife hit the bird as it fell on the ground, the window was shattered when I threw the knife and the noise woke everybody up,


We were woken up by the sound of glass shattering I got startled and sat up immediately as I start looking around the room I could see everyone was doing the same and our eyes landed on gwi-nam, we were all shocked to see him like that what shocked us more was the piece of sharp glass in his hand that he was gripping a bit too tightly that caused his hand to bleed alot
His breathing was shaky and uneven suhyeok got up and went to gwi-nam, he took the glass shard away from gwi-nam and looked out the window to see why gwi-nam threw his knife out the window and he was surprised or should I saw shocked of what he saw "what did you see?" I said as I got up to see what he saw the boys did the same as they approached the other not broken window so they could see it, suhyeok pointed at the dead bird that had gwi-nam's knife in it's neck I was shocked on why he killed a bird that's when it hit me, na-yeon told me that gwi-nam has insomnia and he also has a condition that makes him hallucinate and partly lose his sanity after 6
hours and the only way to calm him down is to make him fall asleep (this is not a real condition of course cause I have nothing else to write) I sighed and turned to gwi-nam and I was relieved to see he was trying to calm down but the twitching made it a bit too obvious I looked at his bleeding hand that was on the table I luckily found some bandages that I found in one of the cabinets I took gwi-nam's bleeding hand and started to wrap it in the bandages I saw he was still twitching suhyeok and the others decided that they'll get the knife tomorrow as they lay back down on where they were before once I was done with gwi-nam's hand I carried him bridal style to where I was before, I then layed him down next to me i wrapped my arms around him a few minutes later he was already asleep, I smiled before falling asleep as well.

Next day...

I woke up to everybody still asleep guess I'm awake early I got up and just looked out the window, to be honest the sky looks gorgeous when the sun is rising

I woke up to everybody still asleep guess I'm awake early I got up and just looked out the window, to be honest the sky looks gorgeous when the sun is rising

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I then heard shifting behind me I turned to see gwi-nam waking up, "morning love, your up early" I said as he started to get up. He walked towards me and rested his head on my shoulder "still tired love?" I said as I turned my head to face him, "no.." he said softly "sorry for the trouble I caused last night.. I didn't mean it..." I smiled as he said that he's cute like this compared to what he was a few days ago "it's okay love, it's not your fault you had insomnia and you didn't know what to do" I reassured him while caressing his hair, "your hair got pretty long love, it's only been a few days" I said moving his hair away from his face, he smiled before saying "I like it when my hair gets pretty long not too long though.." "do you want to change your hairstyle?" I asked him to be honest I just wanted to touch his hair that's why I asked him "sure why not" I was lucky enough for him to agree "great! I got the perfect hairstyle for you love~" he blushed when I said the last part, I took him by the hand and sat him down on a chair.

A few minutes later...

"And... Done!" I said as I finished his I finished fixing his hair, I was happy with the results even though I never did anyone's hairstyle before... Anyway I was able to find a small mirror I gave gwi-nam the mirror so he could see his hair, I could see he was surprised with it "do you like it?" He put the mirror down he stood up and walked towards, I raised my eyebrow kinda curious on what he's doing my question was answered when gwi-nam kissed me passionately i kissed back and gwi-nam pulled away "I love it" I smiled and kissed him. The others started to wake up and I sat down next to gwi-nam,

(Time skip to when everyone is awake)

"Hey gwi-nam" wu-jin said who was sitting against the door "mm..?" Gwi-nam hummed in response, "what happened to your hair? It didn't look like that before" wu-jin pointed out "actually now that you said it, your hair did change gwi-nam" joon-young said catching everyone's attention on gwi-nam's hair style "well... Cheong-san actually changed my hairstyle.. why?" Gwi-nam asked confused,
( This is gwi-nam's hair style)

(To be continued in the next chapter because I didn't get any sleep at all and I suffer from insomnia and I was writing this until 2:33 pm and I was so tired that I always almost pass out just for this chapter but this for y'all and I love you guys,)

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(To be continued in the next chapter because I didn't get any sleep at all and I suffer from insomnia and I was writing this until 2:33 pm and I was so tired that I always almost pass out just for this chapter but this for y'all and I love you guys,)

Words: 2643
Anyone else has social anxiety? 😭

"𝓜𝔂 𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰..~~" (Yoon gwi-nam x lee cheong-san)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu