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I felt bad for na-yeon even though she killed gyoung-su but I took one look at her and I saw she completely regretted it, "na-yeon.." "yeah?" She said, her eyes were red from crying, "I forgive you" I saw that na-yeon was surprised of what I said surely not expecting me to forgive her. "R-really..?" I nodded my head, but before she could say anything else we heard footsteps coming from outside.

We looked at each other not sure what to do, so we just decided to stay quiet. We listened to the footsteps carefully, until it stopped in front of the room we were in, we were scared of who it was, until we saw the door open I was surprised to see..... gwi-nam. He looked at us then to na-yeon, a small smile appeared on his face, I looks at na-yeon I was shocked to see her crying with a smile on her face, she stood up and said "big brother!" I was shocked at what she said, big brother? I thought to myself trying to process what I just heard.

( I decided to make gwi-nam and na-yeon siblings cuz.. why not :D)

I noticed that gwi-nam's left eye was gone, I wanted to ask him what happened but I ignored my curiosity. As they finished hugging, na-yeon looked at and said " oh! Sorry cheong-san, I forgot to tell you that.. me and gwi-nam are siblings" I was still shocked, "wait you guys are siblings?!" Na-yeon nodded, I noticed that gwi-nam was looking at me from time to time it somewhat made me....calm. our eyes met then I looked away my face slightly red, I saw na-yeon was looking at gwi-nam then to me then back to gwi-nam, "you two act like you never seen each other before" she said teasingly,

Then I realized something... How did gwi-nam get here without getting bitten..? I thought to myself. Before I was pulled out of my thoughts by gwi-nam's deep voice "you alright there?"
I blushed on how deep his voice is "y-yeah I'm fine.." I wasn't. His voice was making me go crazy, when I said I was fine, I could tell he wasn't convinced, but he let it slide, the whole time I was talking with na-yeon I could feel gwi-nam's eyes on me, I don't know why he was looking at me but he just sat there, staring at I didn't mind it at all.

Until gwi-nam stood up and started looking around as if he was looking for something, "we need to go" me and na-yeon were confused "why?" "Zombies are running down the stairs their heading towards the hallway! We have to go now!" Na-yeon and I didn't argue with him I grabbed weapons for me and na-yeon since gwi-nam had a knife with him, na-yeon ran out of the storage room I saw she had a bag full of food with her, I gave her the weapon and nodded at gwi-nam signaling that we were ready, he opened the door and we ran out the room me and na-yeon fought a couple of zombies that was behind us I looked behind me and I saw gwi-nam fighting off the zombies but he wasn't using the knife he was just grabbing them by the neck and throwing them out the window we heard gwi-nam yell " come on!" Me and na-yeon pushed the zombies away before running out the school "we'll go to the construction site and hide on the scaffolding on the second floor!" We followed gwi-nam to the construction site, we headed to the second floor where the scaffolding is fighting off zombies on the way, once we got to the scaffolding we took a moment to catch our breath, we didn't even notice that it was already nightfall guess we've been running that long huh? I thought to myself as I sat down tired I fell asleep instantly.

But I didn't notice that I fell asleep on someone's shoulder...

Here's the second one guys I'll make the third one today but later see you there!
(703 words not including these)

"𝓜𝔂 𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰..~~" (Yoon gwi-nam x lee cheong-san)Where stories live. Discover now