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"Hmph. There is no way that I am thanking her!! What she did was so lame and crazy and so embarrassing!"

"Gretchen! Oh. Please don't mind her, Mylie."

"No. It's fine. I really understand her."

Gretchen only had accepted my classmates, but not me. I really need to do something to win her trust and acceptance, she's my senior after all. A really short girl or small who's a third year. Gretchen Valentine might be sarcastic or mean, but I know that there is a really sweet and a good side in her.

She noticed me staring at her for too long and it annoys her."Um. What are you looking at, dummy?! Don't you know staring at someone is really extremely rude?! How dare you?!" She suddenly scolded at me.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" I apologize and turned my gaze away from her. I heard her scoff.

"Hey, Coach." Gretchen said to Miss Ping.
"Hm?" The Chinese woman looked up from her phone. "Yes, Gretchen?"
"Can you please put Mylie on bench? She's going to be way more embarrassing and pathetic on the second half." The way she said that it really hurts me.

"Sorry, Gretchen. But I can't do that." Miss Ping said. "Mylie is needed to be in on the field. Whether you like it or not." This angered Gretchen, but she calmed down. She went to me and gave me a dark angry glare and said, "I hate you so much in my whole life, Mylie Shaine." I gulped.

Damian's POV

That girl. Just who is she? Can't believe that someone like her would manage to stop Ethan's shoot. How impressive.

Ever Bright. I need to find out more about these guys. I learned that they had two powerful forwards, but where are they? Why aren't they here right now to help their team?

"Damian. Do you think Ever Bright will be a very worthy opponent to us?" Raphael asked me. I just gave him a shrug. "Who knows. I think they're just a bunch of weaklings who got luck in them." I turned my gaze to Amelia. "Hey, Amelia. Those two are your siblings right?"
"Yeah. Tristan and Briar. What are they doing here joining their team?"
"Are you disappointed in them?"
"I don't know. I have never seen any of my siblings for a long time. And, I haven't even talked to them."
"Oh. You know that you'll never leave Omega Empire. You belong to the Omega Program now, Amelia. As their property."
"Damian. I think you should shut up."
I just smirked and returned my gaze to the field.

Ethan's POV

I was staring at Ever Bright and especially to her, the girl who just bravely stopped my shoot. The captain even told me that she's only a first year. I doubt it, a first year like that could never stopped my shoot.

"Here, Ethan. You can have my water. Yours had already ran out." Spinel said, handing me out her bottle of water. "Oh. No, thanks Spinel. I'm good." I said to her.

"Oh~! When you refused. It had already filled up my thirst~! Your voice is my water~! So refreshing and so good~!"

I sweatdropped at her. Is she okay?

"Spinel. I think you need a medicine." I heard Leon said.
"Yeah. You had the fangirl disease, woman." Scorpio said.
"Fangirl disease? Is that even real?" Sagittarius ArcherWell asked confusingly.
"Nope. I doubt it." Capricorn SeaGoatson replied to him, adjusting his glasses.

"Do you think Ever Bright's going to beat us?"

"I doubt it that they will."

"Yeah. I think they're just a bunch of weaklings who are just being lucky."

Narrator's POV

It's finally time for the second half of the game. All the team players went back to their positions.
The referee was just about to blow the whistle when suddenly...