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Galaxy Home. An orphanage owned by one of the powerful men of Lightning Falls, Mr. Walkers. The orphanage is where the students of Galactic Garden are living. Every students are all orphans. And, it is where the future football team of this school are located.

Marshall Redd, the prince of the whole Galactic Garden is on the balcony gazing at a beautiful view. That beautiful view is no other than the girl he fell in love with, Lumina Aster. The most lovely fair damsel who captured this boy's heart. But, alas. He cannot open his heart to her. Because, there is one problem.

"Dude. You kept staring at Lumina and yet you haven't even talked to her." Juniper Greenwood said to his friend. "That will be great. But, I can't talk to her or ask her out."
"Why's that?"
"Well. There is one problem."
"And that is...."

Before Marshall could finish someone interrupted them in a cheery female voice. They look to see Lumina's youngest sister, Candessa. "Did you boys heard?" "Heard what?" Juniper asked. "Dad is going to form a football team to our school! And, he chose you guys!" Candessa replied with an exciting tone.
"Football team?"
"Mars! Isn't this exciting!? That means we don't have to play soccer in secret anymore! We'll finally get to play without hiding it from father! We'll be an awesome thing!" Juniper said.
"But, Jupiter. Father would never change his mind and form a football team all of a sudden..."
"Mars. What's wrong? Aren't you happy?" Candessa asked him in a worried tone.

"It's just.. I don't think we need a football team. It's just, father wants us to be great for him someday.." he told them. "But, Mars. I thought you wanted to play football. What makes you changed your mind all of a sudden?" Candessa asked.
"I don't want to upset father."
"Upset father?! Mars. Dad finally let us play football and it made us happy to finally to get the chance to do something that we love without hiding it from him."
"It made us happy, but not him!"
"You don't know that for sure!"
"Yeah. And, he chose you as the captain. Because, you're perfect."
"But, I don't think I could.."

"Mars!" Another female voice spoke up. It was Venusia Beauty and behind her are the whole gang. "You should be greatful that father finally let us play football." "Yeah, dude. Don't want you to be the Grinch!" Saturday O'Ringsquare said. "Saturn. Don't you mean grouch?" Heat Combustion looked at the taller male. "Yeah. And, Marshall. Before you could say something. We-" "We all think you're a dumb red-headed poop head if you don't agree with all of this!" A ventriloquist dummy suddenly said interrupted Saturday. "Sam! That was really offended for you to say!" Saturday scolded the puppet while looking at it or him.

"Saturn! I thought you got rid of that thing for good?!"
"He'll never get rid of me, sweet bones, because he doesn't want me to be away from a hotshot like you. How about you and I...." Sam said to Venusia then he started to create a smooching sound and Venusia looked at him with disgust. "You're so gross..."

"Hey, does anyone still remember Pluto?" Chilly Wintry suddenly asked. "You mean, Bruno?" Mercedes Courtney replied to him with confusion. "Chilly! We don't talk about that guy!" Venusia scolded Chilly.

While the others were busy among themselves. Juniper turned and asked why Marshall won't take a strong courage to ask Lumina out. Before the red-head replied, a chuckling voice interrupted them.

"So, you lousy little freaks are going to be the football team for this school? How silly! My dad is stupid." The voice scoffed. Everyone notices where the voice came from. It was a boy, he's sitting on the edge of the rooftop eating his lollipop, strawberry flavor. He jumps off, surprising everyone, except Marshall. And he landed without hurting himself. He looked at the gang with an amusing smirk on his face. "Siegfried?! What are you doing here?!" Candessa asked the male. "Siegfried?! As in Siegfried Walkers?! The son of Mr. Walkers?!" Saturday said or exclaimed, while Sam imitates an exploding bomb sound or a shot gun.
"Oh. So you heard about me?" Siegfried licked his lollipop then he rudely put the lollipop on Uriel Harbor's forehead.

"Call me the White dragon or the dragon of Lightness." He said with an arrogant tone. "Don't tell me you're going to be part of this team." Ursula Harbor said looking at Siegfried.
"Well, duh. The truth is, I don't wanna be in this team of sore losers, but my old man insisted. He said it will purify me, how stupid is that?"

"Why that....!" Heat growled in anger. "I'm going to kill him!" "Just who do you think you are?! I really don't want to be teaming with such an arrogant and awful guy like you." Chilly kicked the ball towards Siegfried, the Light dragon boy caught it and surprisingly he kicked the ball really strong and it flew straight away from the balcony and worse it almost hit Lumina which angers Marshall, but he calms himself not wanting to cause a scene. Siegfried chuckles and he walks away while chuckling darkly. "Oh. Tell that father of mine he made a huge mistake." He walked away.

"That jerk! Who do you think he is?!"
"I can't believe he's dad's son!"
"Could someone removed this lollipop from my head?!"
"So, Marshall. What's the problem that you couldn't asked Lumina out or confessed to her?" Juniper asked remembering what they were talking before Siegfried interrupted them.

"The problem is. Lumina is Siegfried's fiancee" Marshall replied which shocks Juniper.

Meanwhile at the Walkers manor. Bren Walkers, Siegfried's older sister was having a meeting with the CEO of the Walkers Company.

"Dad. Why do you have to marry that woman? She's a total nightmare!" Bren asked her father with a disappointed tone in her voice. The man just chuckled, "Oh. Bren. Your new mother is a very nice person. She's a fine jewel."
"More like a fine fake jewel." Bren mumbled. "Siegfried and I hate her and she hated us!"
"Don't be silly. I am sure that your stepmother will make this family even more better, not to mention that your younger brother is engaged to one of the orphans, the loving and the shining star, Lumina. They will get married when they become adults and they will bring new generation to our family."

At the living room, Siegfried was eavesdropping the whole conversation, but he didn't dare to interrupt because he didn't care. He went back to his phone while having a lollipop on his mouth. Then, he smirked.

"Hmph. It looks like that lame football club is going to need a dragon. A light dragon that will "guide" them through the stars. That might be going to be fun."