11. What happened to...The Sandwich

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I spent the rest of the movie with my head buried in Thomas's chest

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I spent the rest of the movie with my head buried in Thomas's chest. After my last scream I had laid my head on Thomas' shoulder and realizing what I had done I went to move but before I could he had put his arm around me.

I looked up to see him smiling at me and I blushed profusely before looking away. Thank God it was dark.

My heart was beating so fast I just hope he couldn't hear or feel it. I turned my head towards the T.V before turning away again deciding the space between Thomas' chest was way more interesting and definitely not scary.

He smelt like apples and I loved apples.

''Are you sniffing me?'' Thomas asked slightly bewildered. I froze in place and slowly looked up. ''Er...no?'' I said embarrassed. He stared at me unsure before chuckling and turning back to the screen. I lay my head again, this time not making it too obvious I was sniffing him. I really liked apples.

When the movie was finally over they all started talking about watching Mama. I didn't like the idea of going through this torture again. ''No way am I watching that!'' I said loudly. Everyone turned to me like they only realized I was still in the room.

Marie had a sly smile on her face, Randy was smirking and Caleb looked slightly confused and not too happy. The reason for their expressions, was the fact that I was still quite comfortably sitting in Thomas' embrace and for what like the hundredth time since I got here I blushed, I slowly moved away from Thomas.'' What?'' I said.

I didn't really like the attention.

''Uh nothing, I just thought you'd have left by now, I know how much you hate horror movies but... I guess you had someone that could 'comfort' you though.'' Marie said still sporting that sly smile.

I blushed while scowling at her.

Like me Caleb didn't seem to find the joke funny as he had is hands tight in fists as he stared at Thomas irritated. I didn't know what he was upset about but I didn't question it.


We had decided to all sleep over since during our last movie Randy fell asleep and being a deep sleeper none of us could wake him up, he was Marie and I's only way of getting home so Caleb said we could just stay over.

I was currently on the love seat with a blanket, Marie cuddled up to Randy on the couch, Caleb and Thomas both with a sleeping bag on the ground, I guess they were going to have a sleepover when we left anyway. 


I woke up at three feeling uncomfortable, I never really liked sleeping anywhere else than my bed because it never felt right. That's why Marie usually came over too mine for sleepovers.

I stared at the ceiling bored out of my mind. I decided to hum a random tune in the worst way I could for fun and ended up sounding like a dying chicken. I receiving a groan in return. I looked down to see Caleb staring at me, he didn't seem happy.

"Can you stop that?!" He said gruffly. Ooooh someone's not a morning person. "But I was humming quietly." I whispered back.

"If you were humming "quietly" than how come I woke up?" He asked. I sat up bringing the blanket up to my chin. "Well maybe you're a light sleeper?" I suggested. He sat up too. "No you were just humming like a crying ostrich loudly." He replied aggravated. It was close enough to a dying chicken.

"Would you too stop fucking flirting, I'm trying to fucking sleep, you fucking idiots." Marie mumbled angrily, well she definitely isn't a morning person. I also don't know how it seemed like were flirting at all.

Caleb got up slowly before making his way to the kitchen. Being bored I followed him. He seemed to be looking for a midnight snack.....or early morning snack since it's three.

He turned to me with bread and other things to make a sandwich.

He placed them on the table and got a plate. "Do you want one?" He asked. I shook my head. He nodded and continued making his sandwich.

"Caleb, why did you seem so upset earlier?" I asked the question that had been on my mind since it happened. He stiffened a bit but just for a second before looking up at me.

"Because you were humming." He answered. I rolled my eyes at him. "You know that isn't what I mean Caleb, I'm talking about when you guys were talking about watching that deadly movie."

"How can a movie be deadly?" Caleb asked smartly. I rolled my eyes again. "That is not the point Caleb! Answer the question." I said. Caleb finished up making his sandwich and took a large bite. He tried to talk but bits of his sandwich were spewing everywhere.

I motioned him to stop and he did smiling to himself. Realizing that he only took a huge bite so he wouldn't have to answer my question I gave him a disapproving look.

When he had swallowed it I asked again, he quickly tried to take another bite but I walked closer and slapped it out of his hand. "No!" He exclaimed looking sadly down at his sandwich. I kind of felt bad now but...he wouldn't just answer my question.

Thomas stumbled in with disheveled hair which made him look ten times hotter. "What's with all the noise?" He asked grumpily. Is everyone so crabby when they wake up?

"She dropped-no-slapped my sandwich out of my hand." He said glaring at me. Thomas came over to inspect it. He turned to me "Why would you waste a perfectly good, tasty looking sandwich?" He asked incredulously.

Oh wow I didn't know people felt so strongly about sandwiches. R.I.P oh dear sandwich. They both towered over me and looked at me like I had just stolen candy from a baby. At this moment I felt intimidated seeing as the two very hot guys, looking sexy with messed up hair, that I happen to have a crush on, were ganging up against me.

I slowly backed up to the door leading back to the living room and legged it. I ended up in the middle of Randy and Marie and neither seemed happy about it. Looking to the left Marie had a murderous look on her face and looking to the right Randy's hand seemed to be twitching as if he wanted to strangle me.

I looked up to see Caleb and Thomas laughing at my situation. I laughed nervously. "Sorry guys." I said to the two potential murderers before standing up as quickly as I could.

"Hey guys are meant to have really good weather tomorrow, why don't we go out somewhere?" He said looking at the clock on the wall. A grin spread on my face. Randy and Marie now sporting the same grin.

"How about we go the beach two towns over? That's were my cousins live. Believe me if you go there, you will literally have the time of your life." I said to Caleb and Thomas.

They looked at each other for a second before turning to us.

"I guess were going to the beach!" Caleb declared.*****************

Sorry haven't updated in a while but I've got big exams coming up soon so bare with me please.

Thank for reading xxx

Thank for reading xxx

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