𝟏𝟔. All That Glitters Is Not Gold

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POSTPONING THE INEVITABLE was always something Marion Swift did best. Whether it was putting down her book for days on end to avoid the bittersweet climax, or telling Lady Taylor that she would be ready to leave for dinner at six o'clock, and her arrival being more like seven. But the delay did not change the fact that she did end up attending that party, finishing that book.

Sitting there in that longboat, watching the Black Pearl fire upon the skeletal pirates on the Dauntless, while they drifted slowly towards the entrance of the cave felt like postponing the inevitable. Both girls wanted nothing more than to reach Will and find that his eyes were still that warm brown, and not... Well, whatever brown eyes became when life left them.

She prayed she'd never find out.

But, though none of them spoke it, they were scared. Determined, of course. But the closer they got to the caves, the less confident Marion felt. What if Will was already dead? What if they were sailing into a trap? They'd been lucky to escape the first time. They wouldn't be so fortunate a second, especially now that Barbossa knew of their secret way out. Not that she fancied scaling that slippery wall again, anyway.

Marion calmed her shaky breaths and picked up her oar. Hopefully the crew would reconsider where their allegiances lay and still be anchored offshore if—when—they returned.

Elizabeth glanced at her, face pale and ethereal in the moonlight. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Marion glanced over her shoulder at the foggy waterfall, its droplets shimmering like shards of crystal. Her lips twitched. "Well, we've come this far, haven't we?"

Elizabeth's expression mirrored her own. "And miles more to go before this night is done, I imagine."

They both stared into the gloom that their boat was being pulled towards, throats bobbing and hearts cherishing each beat.

"Together, then?" whispered Marion as the water dragged them in.

Elizabeth's chest slackened and her fingers interlaced with the girl beside her. The rapids greeted them with an outstretched hand and they plunged downwards, wondering if they would ever break the surface again.


Shadows haunted the cavern walls as they hurried over wet rocks and sand banks towards the main chamber. Marion, in spite of having been there before, was still a little lost. Darkness had a habit of whispering wrong directions in her ears. But it was when her foot slipped off the ledge into the shallow water, scraping against something sharp that Marion realized where they were. If the cracks in the ceiling allowed for sunlight, they would find a lagoon of gold below them.

Marion waded through the water, grappling blindly for something to use. She was not stupid enough to come to the rescue with little more than her wits to defend herself with. Elizabeth wordlessly followed what she was doing and managed to grab hold of a large gaff. The water was cold and threaded through her skin like pinprick stitches, but she kept searching.

And that was when she found it.

Her fingers curled around its hilt and she pulled out a long, slender blade. It was lighter than she imagined a sword could be. Though she doubted she could carry it in one hand without struggle, it didn't weigh her down so much. It felt a part of her.


Elizabeth nodded at her and they clambered back up onto the shore. Both of them perked at the sounds of steel and harsh cries echoing down the nearest tunnel. Wasting no time and clutching their weapons tight, they hastened down the passage, footsteps in rhythm with their hearts.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐀𝐍  ───  jack sparrowWhere stories live. Discover now