𝟔. To Die or Not To Die

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AGAINST ALL POSSIBLE likelihoods, William Turner had arrived at Marion's whereabouts, just as her hour of need became dire. She could hardly believe it, her mouth opening and closing like that of a fish. It did not seem unthinkable that perhaps her mind had left her body and begun to hallucinate. It surely would not have been the first time, if seeing those skeletons in the manor had told her anything.

Yet her imagination must've been quite extraordinary indeed, if Sykes was also seeing what was before her. His shoulders were tense as his fingers tucked a knife behind his back. She watched his movements carefully and used this moment of distraction to shuffle along the wall, stepping over the shattered glass jar she'd knocked over earlier.

But she should've realised it was not going to be that easy.

Her path to safety was blocked by half a dozen men, far larger than herself, and Barrett, who had since become aware of her intentions, was quick to catch her wrists and hold them so that she was rendered helpless once again.

Marion was growing very tired of being so. She pressed her mouth into a thin line and stamped her heel down onto Barrett's shoe. He hissed out a profanity, one that she'd only ever heard uttered down at the dockyards, and wrapped his arm around her neck, yanking her back into him.

Will started forward, but the pirate held out an arm to prevent him from taking any further action. He stared at his comrade with a frown. One that she had seen crumple his features so often before. Maybe he was real, after all.

However, the pirate ignored him, more concerned with the dagger hidden behind Sykes' coat.

"So what do ye say, eh?" His voice was heavy with inebriety. "Live or die, mate, it's up to you."

A scoff erupted from Sykes' throat. "One or two of you, it doesn't really matter to me. We still have the upper hand."

"Ah, the infamous words of every man before his downfall," smirked the pirate, gesturing widely, rings of gold and rusted silver glinting as he swayed on the spot. Marion couldn't help but wish he'd keep a tighter grip on his pistol.

"Somehow I find that hard to believe," replied Sykes, lips curling into something sour. "Now, mate, I think of myself as a merciful, benevolent fellow, and so I'll be willing to let you leave unscathed. But be mindful of the fact that this warning only lasts so long and, if you refuse to do so, I'll be forced to lose my temper. Oh, and what a temper I have! I wouldn't trust myself not to do anything rash."

Marion found herself rooted to the spot, unable to do anything but watch the scene unfold in front of her. Fortunately, Barrett didn't seem to fancy touching her anywhere inappropriate. Perhaps Sykes had already revealed what she had to offer and he didn't care to indulge in it. Either way, she thanked the Lord that it was the case and that he was keeping his hands to himself.

"Rash, eh? Then it's a good thing being reckless is a gamble I take every day."

Will's forehead creased and he sent Marion a sidelong glance. "Listen, we're not looking for any trouble—"

"Then you've come to the wrong place, son," Sykes leered.

"Maybe, but we're not leaving without Miss Swift," retorted Will, undaunted by the men who were twice his size and encircling him. "Whether we take her peacefully or by force is up to you."

"That it is, and do you know why?" Sykes moved closer until he was within a few feet of the pair. "Because this is my territory, my domain, and if you think you can waltz in here and challenge my authority, then you are in for a cruel awakening."

The pirate chuckled and swaggered forward, jamming his finger in Sykes' face. "I'm not challenging anything... except maybe your sense of style—it's very gothic, mate, you should find yourself a better tailor. But I must insist on withdrawing the lass from your command. You mustn't mistake me, I applaud your, uh, vigour, but I'm afraid this boy cares an awful lot about her. A bit strange, really, considering he's a eunuch. Then again, who's to judge, eh?"

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐀𝐍  ───  jack sparrowजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें