Everleigh smiled as she ate another bite of lunch.

"Gonna take it or not?"


"Oh, you better not get used to a lunch break." Lennon laughed. (Everleigh elected not to correct her that she hadn't started her shift yet.) "I'm not standing here all day, baby."

Everleigh held her hand out. "Are you sure? You didn't have to—"

"For the love of God—"

"I'm opening it—" Everleigh stuck her fork in her mouth so it was easier to unravel the tensor. "God."

"Hurry up, Leigh." Lennon tapped her foot. Loudly.

"I'm going." Everleigh pulled the top off the box. Seeing what was inside nearly made her drop it on the floor, she slammed the lid back. "Are you kidding?"

Lennon smiled at Everleigh's gaping in her direction.

Everleigh opened the box again. Traced down the bell and chest piece, cool metal brushing against her fingers. Ran her fingers along the tubing of a new stethoscope. Along the rubber was a small printing of "we believe in you" that made her want to cry. Placing the box onto the lunch table, Everleigh rose to her feet. Walked a couple steps forward to Lennon and wrapped her arms around her. Everleigh wasn't a hugger, but that day she was.

"It's nothing fancy," Lennon said. "But it's a good one to start with."

"Thank you."

"Do good, okay?"

"I'll try."

"You've grown more than anyone I've seen. And taken more than your fair share of work and more. Keep doing great." Lennon rubbed between Everleigh's shoulder blades. "Keep being great. I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you for all your help," Everleigh said. "I couldn't have done this last couple weeks without you."

"You absolutely could've." Lennon pulled away from Everleigh. "But I appreciate the sentiment... even if it's for losers."

Everleigh laughed. "Sorry."

"It's okay." Lennon smiled. "That's your thing."

"Calling people losers?"

"Shielding yourself. I get it."

"... Sorry."

"You're amazing. And you're gonna be the reason a lot of kids want to do this job. You know that, right?" Lennon asked. "Hard ass exterior on the outside, but you've got a heart of—"


Everleigh turned and looked at another nurse who poked their head into the break room. "Me?"

"Know many Everleigh's?" the other nurse asked, smirking.

Everleigh felt her cheeks heat up a little. "What's up?"

"There's a patient who's requested you. Specifically."

"What the—"

"She'll do it," Lennon interjected. Before Everleigh could put her foot in her mouth. Fair. Hands found Everleigh's shoulders and gave her a small push forward. "I'll clean up your lunch, you go. I'm impressed someone knows you well enough to request you."

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