Chapter 1 Mt. Velgrin

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This btw talks the beginning had a canon and Non-canon character starting off and if you haves about said characters please let me know see yea bye ٩(̀́)ᵇʸᵉ

"Peace was restored to Ardonia, and a time for rebuilding and healing began. The wounds caused by the Deathsinger, however, will be felt forever. The Great War, 11th Wall of Time..." A female human finishes reading.

She turns around. "Drake, I fail to see..."
She sees a human male leaning on the wall, snoring, "Drake?"

Drake wakes up, startled. ' Ah, yes, yes, exactly! So you see what this means, Abbigail?'

"Drake, were you sleeping through..."
Drake zips to the wall and points to the writing.

"Look here, where do the Walls of Time say the final duel took place?" Drake asked

"Mount Velgrin at Phoenix Cliff..."  Abbigail replies, confused and curious.

"Indubitably! Most legends, including this bungled Walls of Time, failed to state that the final duel took place on the mountain's cliff!"

"Alright, so what does this mean?" Abbigail asks, still confused.

Drake composes himself, hands behind his back.

"I've heard rumors of a presence on Phoenix Cliff of Mount Velgrin. Being the naturally curious scholar that I am, I sent a few scouts to transform those rumors into facts",he says," That was two weeks ago...

"And...What was their report?"

"There was no report! None ever returned! Why do you think that is?"

"I am not entirely sure..." Abbigail begins.
"The Animus, Abbigail! The Animus! ' Drake tells Abbigail.

Abbigail raises an eyebrow. ' You think the Animus are at Phoenix Cliff?' she asks.

They traveled all the way from upper Northwind, pass the Heart of Ardonia, and finally get off Luna, Abbigail's Enderdragon by the base of Mount Velgrin. Abbigail had told Luna to be in guard incase of danger.

They walk around a clearing at the top of the mountain. Other than a mysterious obsidian arch in the center, there was only snow.

"This is where I sent the scouts, right here!" Drake claims.

Abbigail looks around. She notices an entrance in the mountain. She walks inside and sees signs of people being there recently.  She picks up a shield, hurries towards Drake and drops the shield down near him.

"Someone has been here, recently," Abbigail tells him.

"How peculiar," Drake puts his hand to his chin, making a thinking pose, "Why would they leave their belongings where others might find them?"

Abbigail is quiet for a moment. Then she speaks up, "Because they are still here..."

Abbigail slowly turns around, and there are both wolves and strange people around the edge of the clearing. Drake draws out his iron sword, and Abbigail draws out her enchanted ender blade. And Luna tried to look as fierce as she can look.

A man steps forward. "You must be Abbigail Queen of the End. I've heard many things about you."

(Note that Abbigail hasn't found Enderknights yet but they will make there appearance)

"And I have heard nothing about you." Abbigail glares at the Strange man.

"Oh, I know. I've made quite sure about that," the male says as he strokes his sword, "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is General Raphael."

Abbigail looks at Raphael, ready to fight , "what are you" Abbigail asked, "I'm what you call a demos" Raphael said, "B-but aren't you supposed to be gone" Drake says then the general laughts, "yes but we have our ways"

"As for you, Abbigail, I know who you are, Ender Queen! ' Raphael continues, "And I know what you have done to my kin. Your sword has slain many of my brothers and sisters. Once I kill you, I will take it and slay twice as many of yours!"

Raphael twirls around and points his sword at Abbigail. He fires a fireball, a large energy ball that travels slowly at Abbigail, who rolls out of the way. Abbigail activates her sword.

Raphael leaps at Abbigail, swinging his sword. Abbigail backs up as her sword swings pass him.

Raphael attacks again, and Raphael blocks it with his sword. Raphael suddenly lifts his leg and kicks Abbigail on the face, causing Abbigail to stumble back.

Raphael swings his sword again, but Abbigail recovers just in time to block it.

Their swords continue to clash, and Abbigail finally kicks Raphael back before whirling around with his sword.

Raphael stumbles forward, injured. Abbigail raises her sword as Raphael looks back at him.
Abbigail raises his sword.

Despite being injured, Raphael regains himself and stands his ground.

Abbigail leps forward and swings her sword. Raphael ducks and Raphael attacks again. Abbigail rolls out of the way.

The battle rage on until Raphael manege to catch Abbigail off guard and knock her into the ground. As he fired a fireball Drake darts for the shield and blocks it.

Abbigail quickly crawls twoads her blade before Raphael could get to Drake... But as she turns around she was too late. Drake with Raphael's sword in him and as Raphael push him into the ground Abbigail darts at him as he swang his blade he manege to get her and she fell to the ground.

"So many years have we prepared for this. And you... Are not about to interfere" Raphael said as he raised his blade Luna knocks Raphael off balance and Abbigail quickly gets in Luna and fly's away looking at Raphael as he walks away and Abbigail felt a stage of guilt not being able to protect young Drake.

This chapter had a few changes to it and some chapters will have twist and turns along with some characters with different roles such as Abbigail here.

Thanx for reasikg and stay tuned for more 🦦

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