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Hello there!

So idk if anyone is going to read this bc I know that whenever I see an authors note, I just skip right over it.

Basically I just wanted to go over a couple of things before you hopefully dive into my book:

1) So this is my first time writing on Wattpad so I really hope that it comes out okay 😬

2) I only speak English, so any other language used throughout this story will come from Google Translate- I'm sorry if this offends you in any way if it's your language that I'm getting wrong, feel free to politely correct me :)

3) This book will include lots of cursing, possibly some suggestive themes, violence, but no smut bc I'm not comfortable writing that at the moment (also I will add any more warnings here if I notice them come up)

4) There will be LGBTQ+ characters in here and if this bothers you at all then that is not my problem bc I absolutely love this community and every person in it

5) Votes are highly appreciated and I absolutely love reading comments so PLEASE comment as much as you want!

6) I spend a lot of time on this and all that I ask in return is that you (hopefully) enjoy and just please don't steal any of my original and hard work

7) I am also not a very focused person so it is quite possible that all of the updates are going to come slow and whenever I feel like writing them

Thank you to anyone who may have taken the time to read this and have a lovely day :)

Stuck BetweenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora