Quirks and Descriptions(Whitelisted DSMP Minors)

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Disclaimer: some of these info are my own interpretations of the Characters so if you have other opinions, please run along with these informations thx!!

Purpled Bedwars: 16years old

Relatives: Punz (older brother), Dream (half older brother), Drista (half younger sister), Captain Puffy (adopted mother), FoolishG (adopted older brother), LukeG(adopted younger brother), tiredtwt (non related family in hypixel), Niki Nihachu (adoptive mother),

Hero name: Legacy

Quirk: galactic hybrid
The user has ultra violet antennas that fades into cyan. These antennas are basically hypersensitive radars and could detect any mouvement and sound with their precise direction as well as the actions their opponents are doing. The user also could see the future by stargazing or just by being exposed to the stars and moon. Exposure of wounds to the night sky will heal the injuries immediately and helps the user regain energy. The user has hyper speed and mobility wise, they could do just about any movement they please. The user doesn't need lots of sleep as they only need the moons energy to live off. The user could make any of their galactic features glow a bright purple and blue. They also have night vision, very good eyesight and sensetive hearing as their ears resemble those of an elf. The user also has the ability to read, speak, write and understand galactic which is the language non earth being use. The downsides of this Quirk is that it cannot be deactivated which means the  user is constantly aware of their surroundings and never at ease which normally leads to symptoms of PTSD or paranoia. When under extreme pressure or intensive negative emotions, the user will switch to their galactic instincts and become very terrified of their surroundings. During a brief moment, the user will speak fluently galactic, act very skittish and scared while shaking in visible pain and fear. The blood of the user is purple and can act as a night vision potion though too much blood injested could cause internal bleeding.


Eryn Halo: 15years old

Relatives: Sapnap (older brother), Badboyhalo (adopted father/mentor), Skeppy (adopted father), Diana/Skepina (aunt), Karl Jacobs (brother-in-law), Quackity (brother-in-law), Sean Jacobs (Karl's brother)

Hero name : Cyberonix

Quirk: half Demon
The user has blood red demon horns atop of their head. They can control fire at will tho this requires alot of stamina to maintain the fire. Lava can also be manipulated but since it's substance is liquid and it has a more complex structure, controlling for more than 2 minutes will tired out the user much quicker. The users skin is immune to anything heat or fire tho temperatures over 3200°F would cause first degree burns. The users flames can varie from 570°F to 3100°F. The user has sharp canines that are slightly black tipped with the withering effect, the user can control if they wish to effect what they've bitten or not. The red markings on the user's arm is supposed to resemble dryed blood and a human heart as touch a victim at will they can control their blood flow and could basically kill their victims by stopping the bloodflow or the heart beat, if with less powerful control, the victim will be weakened. The attacks of the Quirk welder are much stronger than the average. They can set things aflame by simply looking at it. They can also grant fire aspect and resistance to any objects by plunging it in their blood. If injecting the blood in big quantity by a living being, it can give temporary fire resistance, 1dl=10 minutes, it could also heal any burns. The user cannot die to a human weapon, it has to be a weapon from the nether, hell or enchanted to kill demons tho normal weapons could severely harm them unlike real demons who can't get hurt by normal weapons. However, when overusing demon blood, the user's body can't keep up with the loss and soon the user will get pale and then faint. The Quirk user also has an aggressive and violent personality problem occasionally due to their quirks origin.


Aimsey Beloved: 15 years old

Relatives: Ranboo Beloved (older brother), Eret (adoptive father), Irit(uncle), Herobrine (grandfather), Tubbo Underscore (brother-in-law), Michael Beloved-Underscore (adopted nephew), Lani Underscore (sister-in-law), Captain Puffy (mother-in-law), Jschlatt Underscore (father-in-law), Niki Nihachu (mother-in-law), FoolishG (mentor)

Hero name: Edelweiss

Quirk: Frosted Garden
The user can summon a snowstorm at will. Afterwards, the ground will turn into ice and the user can make frozen plants grow out of it. These ice plants are much harder to break and the fastest is heat. The user can also control the type of ice they wish to use for every plant. The plants will work like their living counterpart and have the same abilities as them. The user could control their creations size, condition and mouvements. The user can do so with many plants at a time. The skin of the user is frost resistant so  the cold temperature doesn't affect them. They don't need to breathe in much oxygen to survive as they are used to living with minor survival needs as well as food. Tho the user needs a lot of Vitamin D to activate their quirks full potential as well as water. The limits this quirk has are that it gains its power by sucking the users energy. This results in a lot of potential health issues as well as fatigue. The user has to know the exact look of the plant they wish to recreate or else the plant can't have all the properties of their original selves.

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