Chapter 32: One-Sided

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   "Katsuragi!" said Nishikawa, glaring at Katsuragi.

   "Hahahaha! Quite the loyal dogs you two are, assuming right away that it was Katsuragi," I clapped my hands, clearly amused by the situation.

   "Though I will say the two of you sure are hypocrites."

   "Now what unbelievable nonsense are you saying!?"

   "Nothing in particular, but you see, for someone who's been sabotaging another person, they don't seem to be keen on receiving the same treatment. Double standards at its finest!" I waved my hands, dismissing their complaints.


   "Now, now, you two still have a chance to null the agreement."

   "Tch, I won't even get my hopes up."

   "It's quite simple. If a single person here is against this then I'll retract my offer and you two will be left alone."

   "Well, there's no use making it suspenseful. Raise your hands if you agree with the condition."

   I scanned around to see everyone's opinion on the matter. To no one's surprise, every single person here raised their hands.

   "Oh, would you look at that!" I sarcastically said, rubbing salt on their wounds.

   It went just how I expected. While Ichinose may be naive, she's not stupid. I even made sure to make a situation where they'll be willing to agree. I already knew Class D, Class C, Kanzaki, and Katsuragi would agree. However, I want the results to be overwhelming in my favor.

   In the case that I used an underhand method to make them agree, I doubt they would support it, though it wouldn't really matter as it would go either way. Still, I can't have my relationship with Class B dwindle as I need them for something else. Otherwise, I wouldn't have given it a second thought.

   I even gave those two a chance! How generous am I, right? In all seriousness, I doubt those two can do anything about it. Although they can guess the VIP incorrectly on purpose it'll be pretty obvious. Such reckless behavior will bring Sakayanagi's faction down. The students will probably have second thoughts about joining her faction. Seeing as her offensive tactics will eventually lead them to self destruct may lead them away.

   I would like to say that, but I don't know how big her influence is over the class. It's all speculation on my part. I only heard she was basically the opposite of Katsuragi, so there isn't much to infer from that alone. There may be another reason why Katsuragi is losing to her.

   Well, as long as they keep spitting into different factions it'll be beneficial to me. That's why I support Katsuragi, not to mention things are bound to get more interesting.

   "As everybody agrees, then I'll tell you after the last group discussion, is that okay?"

   I waited to see their responses. But before I could, a notification beeps throughout all of our phones at the same time, in a deja vu-esque manner we again checked our phones.

   "One surprise after another, huh...?" I muttered, my eyebrows furrowed.

   What appeared was another email from the school. Which meant that another student had attempted to guess the VIP. That's fine and all, but it looks like I was right.

   "The test has now ended for the Cow group. Those in the Cow group are no longer required to participate any further. Please do not disturb the other students."

   This is actually quite intriguing. Cow, Dog, and Monkey, all of these share one thing in common. They were all the groups where the VIP was from Class B.

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