Less of you

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For the past three days, She stayed in her room since she didn't have the energy to do anything for whatever. She doesn't even bother to eat her meals. Everything is still overwhelming. With everything that has happened, she is beginning to loathe herself.

Skipping rehearsal, leaving Camilo's letters unopened and unanswered, sleeping all day, and skipping meals. She was tired and ashamed of herself. Nonetheless, she was worried. The audition was in two days, and she could barely stand.

There was a knock on the door, confused, she opened it." Amor, how are you? I haven't seen you in a while.  " Isabela cooed, pulling Y/n into her warm embrace as she crouched down. 

She shook her head, finally allowing herself to be vulnerable. Accepting that she wasn't. Isabela had been a big sister figure to her for years. A human diary, a safe haven. The only person she can ever show her vulnerability to.

" Everything happened so quickly, I wanted to tell Carlos but I didn't know how. And I'm so ashamed because I caused your family too much trouble, I'm sorry Isa. " Y/n mumbled in between her sobs.

" Don't say that, mi primos are both stupid. It's their fault. " Isabela pats her back and Y/n let out a chuckle.

" Oh no. " she sat up straight.

" The auditions. " Y/n exclaims. For a second, Isabela went into deep thought and had an idea.

" I have an idea, let it all out and I'll take you out for a drink. How does that sound? " Isabela says, in the hopes of lightening her mood. She never let Y/n drink, especially when she wasn't around. Perhaps this little tweak will brighten her up.

" I'm actually done crying. " Y/n gets up, sniffling and wiping away her tears. Isabela rolled her eyes and scoffed. " Goodness, Y/n. " she exclaimed as Y/n pulled her up and started walking 

" Wait, you look horrible, come on let me fix you. " She braided her hair with her vines. Putting flowers in the midst of her braids and chose a nice dress for her.

" Thank you, Isa. " she hugged her older tightly. 

She had not been able to process anything and everything that happened that day. But the taste of liquor lingering on her lips made her feel free. She could finally take a breath. It's as though the weight she was carrying was lifted.

The girls, mainly Isabela, rented out the entire bar for a night out. and, of course, to brighten their dear friend's mood. With everything that had unfolded, they decided they needed time away from everything.

" Y/n! Come on and dance! " Mirabel pulled her in the middle. Isabela thought up the idea. Knowing she was too stressed and nervous to even dance, she believed that a little booze would raise her confidence and make her feel more at ease with herself.

It only took a small peek through the window for him to feel alive again. Everything seemed to fade away, and she became the center of his attention. It was torture not seeing her for days. And if he could, he would have had her in his arms by then.

His primas forbid any of them from coming to see her since she needed time to herself and to breathe. They've caused her far too many troubles, and it's up to her whether or not she wants to see them.

He could only take a glance at her from afar now. Waiting for her to come to him was agonizing. Come back into his arms, tell him how dumb he was or how lovely he is. He missed her. He needed her. And he aches for her.

" Oh mi paloma, elegance is you. " He murmured and peeked through the window. He didn't care how cold it was outside as he was only wearing his shirt. It was the first time he'd seen her in days, and he wanted to make the most of it.

It has already been a while and he was still watching how she danced and drank for. His heart was full to see all of his favorite girls smiling. " You all deserve this rest. " he says, watching them in awe. 

As he opened the front door, the scene made him laugh. Almost all of them were on the floor. Drunk and dozing off. Luisa was the only one remaining, carrying all of them. " These girls are a serious pain. " she said and looked over to her cousin.

" Okay fine primo, you can take her home. " Luisa rolls her eyes. He hurried over to her excitedly, scooping her body from the floor.

" Are you sure you can carry her? " she asked once again and he gave her a slight nod, carrying her body in his arms as he walked out.

" You're light as a feather. " he says, observing her features as he walked.

" I could've scolded you for not eating, be thankful you're drunk. " he placed a kiss on her forehead as she nuzzled up on his chest.

Forbidden, Unrequited ( C. Madrigal )Where stories live. Discover now