1- Will this work?

23 2 2

I was running late today. How typical of me; to be late on the very day I have to submit the quarterly report. I sighed loudly and the lady sitting next to me on the bus gave me a quizzical look. The bus seems to be going slowly on purpose, and I grumbled internally while bouncing my leg impatiently. Can this go any more wrong today?

Finally, after a grueling forty minutes, I quickly rushed off the bus and walked straight to my office building. I had no time for coffee today.  Once inside I quickly scanned my employee card and ran to the elevator which was just about to leave. Phew! that was close!

I was really glad my office was on the second floor. By the time I reached my desk, I was already sweating and it was 9:18 AM. 18 minutes late, but I still had time before my meeting at 9:30. My teammate Baek Minha was anxiously tapping her fingers on the desktop with the reports already prepared for the meeting. Bless her. I blew her a quick kiss and started gathering my worksheets as well. I'm ready to go.


The meeting went well if I would say so myself and our boss Mr. Cho seemed to be in a calm mood.

'Well if that's all for the report analysis, you can leave now Ms. Baek. Iw ould like to have a word with miss Min now,' he said cordially. 

Minha gave me questioning look to which I could only shrug as I didn't know what this was about. So once she left, I waited for him to start speaking. he took his sweet time with it though. First cleaning his spectacles with a soft cloth, then slowly paced the length of the office. Each minute was making me nervous. Was I going to get fired? But I have not done anything wrong! In fact, I was the best-performing finance executive on our team. I gulped loudly and decided to break this weird tension.

'Mr. Co, is there something important you want to discuss with me? You seem tense...' I said.

'Yes Ms. Min,' He sighed. 'Can I call you Ara? Since it is not a formal meeting right now?' he asked.

'Yes of course boss'

'I have some news for you Ara, it could be good or bad and it depends on how you would perceive it. In my opinion, it is a very good opportunity for you,' He said as he sat down. 

'There is a vacancy that has opened in one of our subsidiaries, and you fit the requirements perfectly. I know you have only been here for just over a year, but you have continuously proven yourself and honed your skills. They want a smart and hardworking Finance Analyst and I immediately thought of you,' he paused and looked at me for my reaction. 

My heart rate was increasing by the minute but no one would be able to guess it by the poker face I had on right now. It was a skill I had perfected when trying to work with 'Challenging' colleagues, clients, and bosses in my extensive career as a finance person. I simply nodded at him to continue.

'Well, there are many good aspects to the new role Ara. You will be promoted to the position of Finance Analyst with a 20% increment on your current annual pay. You would still be working in this building, and most of all it is our highest revenue-generating subsidiary.' he finished his speech and waited for me to piece together the information he was dangling in front of me like a carrot.

The bulb flickered on!

He was talking about BigHit! he wanted me to transfer to the BigHit finance team! Oh, this was wonderful! he could literally see the excitement build in my eyes. But wait, BigHit was indeed the highest revenue-generating unit thanks to BTS. However, it was notorious for its immense volume of work. People were always stressed in that company, or so I heard. I also had another problem. But let's not think of it now. I shook myself to bring myself back to the present and look at Mr. Cho.

'Boss with all due respect, it seems to be a great opportunity. But I have many personal commitments and I don't think I would have the time needed to invest in the new role. Especially I have heard that teams need to travel with the idol groups when they are on tour. This is one of the main reasons I chose to work in the corporate finance team.'I said finally.

Mr. Cho seemed to have been expecting this response as he chuckled quietly. 'Always so level-headed Ara. I really do appreciate that about you. Even with all the hectic schedules, you always had a great work ethic and got the job done in time. This is the reason I'm recommending you for the new position, even though I would be at a loss.'

' I will make it a 35% increase on your pay Ara if you do consider taking up the job,' he said. 'Take some time to think about it and let me know by Wednesday.' 

I knew I was being dismissed. I simply got up and bowed before leaving his office. 

The rest of the day flashed by without me even realizing it. The prospect of a new job kept playing in the back of my mind like a broken record. it was a great break in my career but I could not just decide on my own when I had others to think about. I would have to discuss this with my family.


It was Wednesday already and my palms were sweating. My parents and grandma had all insisted that I take up the job and especially since it was a great step in the right direction career-wise. They had also insisted that I don't have to worry so much about taking care of them. I had been supporting my family financially as my father's mother had acute kidney failure. Most of appa's savings were being spent on her and so I stepped up to share the burden. But my parents have always felt sorry for being a burden to me. I never saw it that way though. I was simply repaying them for everything they have done for me since I was born. 

I would be able to support them better with the new raise but my time with them would be cut short due to constant traveling. Anyway, there was no point in fretting on all these matters. I have already decided to accept the job. I sucked in a deep breath and entered Mr. Cho's office.

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