Chapter 3 (William)

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Ser Rickon opened the wooden door to reveal the small chamber. "This is where you'll be staying. It's no castle or anything fancy, but it's certainly better than the barracks the little twats stay in." he said, holding the door open as William stepped inside and took a moment to look around his new quarters. A medium feather bed in the center of the room, an oak wood desk and chair against the right stone wall. An armor stand stood to the left of the bed, a wardrobe in the right corner, and a large chest to the right of the desk. 

"This will do nicely." William replied optimistically. 

"Take some time to get settled in," Rickon said, "Then make your way to the war room. Commander Mance will want to get a look at the Fort's new Lawbringer." 

William set his bags on the bed. "If I may ask Ser, what happened to the previous Lawbringer that was here before me?" he asked curiously. 

Rickon glanced at him for a moment, "Ah, Ser Cesare. A fine warrior that man, quiet but efficient as all hell." he said, "But the Iron Legion needed more able fighters and 'ol Cesare was just who they were looking for. Also heard he had a personal score to settle with the Vikings." He pushed off against the door and slowly started to close it with his free hand, "I'll see you at the war room lad." he said before shutting the door, leaving William alone in his new chambers. 

He took a moment to look around and adjust to his new quarters. He was privileged enough to be born in a castle, and even more so to have his own chambers in a fort. His desk was even already fitted with parchment, ink and a quill. He would have no problem writing to Scarlet and his family. 

He had to shake away the thoughts for now, "Right, to the war room to speak with Commander Mance." he muttered to himself. He picked up his helmet and held it in one hand and left his poleaxe in his chambers. He wouldn't need it to simply speak with the fort commander, at least he hoped. Besides if anything went wrong he always had his dagger sheathed and at the ready, as every good knight should. He left his chambers and made his way to the war room. It took him a moment as he was still adjusting to the layout of the fort but he managed to catch Ser Rickon just entering through a door upstairs. The two conscripts posted outside the door that weren't adorned in the usual bucket-shaped helmets, battered shoulder plates, and torn leathers. These ones were adorned in masked kettle helms, crimson tabards with white rooted towers and arms fully covered in chainmail and metal shoulder plates, proper soldiers. He walked to the door and the two let him past. As he opened the doors and stepped inside to see Ser Rickon standing at a table with his helmet placed on its surface. Next to him was a man, only an inch taller than Rickon, with a kettle shaped helm, the face plate having several holes for vision. Oddly enough William recognized the style of helmet, best known as a Prison Guard helm. He was adorned in a mix of chainmail and leather, with steel plates on his shoulders, the Conqueror armor of a commander. 

The man's face was wrinkled, and he had short white hair and beard. His brown eyes went from the map on the table to William. He stood up straight as the young knight entered. "You must be our new Lawbringer." the old Conqueror stated. 

"That is correct Ser, I take it you're Commander Mance?" William replied. 

The commander nodded, "Aye, what's your name boy?" 

"William, Ser." he replied confidently. 

"Surname?" Mance asked, raising an eyebrow. 

William looked down for a moment before looking up and answering, "Dawn, Ser." he replied less confidently. 

"Dawn?" Mance crossed his arms, "You're Lord Reynal's bastard." he stated. 

William sighed, "That's correct Ser, my... father has assigned me to be the fort's new Lawbringer. I am at your service Ser and hope to uphold the law of Ashfeld here and ensure the conscripts remain in line-" 

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