When I'm stable, I notice that he doesn't let go. I look up at him and see that he is looking right back at me.

I stare for a few seconds, trapped in his magnetic gaze before looking down at the book. My heart stops.

It's the same book that was on my nightstand the night Josh helped me home from the club in LA. This reminder of Josh makes me immediately step out of another mans embrace. Zack looks confused but I simply say, "Yeah, I'll get this one" all while continuing to look a the book, not at him. I don't tell him I've read it before, or that I want another copy because JOsh still has mine from the time I let him borrow it.

I finally look back up at Zack and clear my throat, "Thanks,"

I begin walking in the direction of the cash register, passing Zack as I do so. He grabs my hand as I brush past him, causing me to stop.

I stop and look down at my hand, which is now engulfed by his. What is going on? I just met this guy. Why does he think he can touch me like that.

I'm so shocked that I don't realize that Zack is beginning to lower his head. Right before his lips meet mine, I swerve to avoid him and break out of his grasp.

He turns to look at me, frowning. I'm breathless from the sudden adrenaline rush and exclaim, "What the heck was that?!"

He runs his hand through his hair, obviously confused. "What do you mean? We were totally having a moment and you were giving me all the right vibes."

I scoff. "First off, I don't now what moment you're talking about, you were just helping me find a book." Although I'm suspecting that he was referring to the whole waist grabbing moment, but that was on accident. "And second," I continue, getting more riled up, "Who kisses someone they just met?". I take a breath and compose myself, "I'm sorry if I was giving you the wrong idea, I really wasn't trying to. I have a boyfriend... kinda." I add on a the last minute. I don't know why I added the "kinda" at the end, maybe it was to voice my concerns. I mean, I didn't really know what Josh and I were, but I'm pretty sure we were exclusive. I would get mad if I saw that Joshua was kissing some other person, and I'm guessing he wouldn't be too thrilled if Zack and I kissed. So that mean's we're exclusive, right?

Zack looks embarrassed, "I'm really sorry..." he trails off, not knowing my name.

"Katie," I tell him.

"I'm sorry, Katie."

"It's fine," I say, brushing off the almost kiss.

"What...?" Zack asks, beginning to ask a question. He thinks better of it and shakes his head. "never mind."

"No," I insist, "Go ahead."

"What do you mean by you 'kinda have a boyfriend'?"

I sigh. I was ever going to see Zack again, right? And it's not like I could talk to a lot of people about this. Sure, a few of my friends know, but Josh and I weren't going public with this yet.

"Well," I begin, "We've been friends for months and recently started.. Dating I guess you could call it?" I end the statement as more of a question. I keep going, "We haven't really put a label on it, but I think we're exclusive. He doesn't really want to tell a lot of people, which I'm fine with, so we haven't had the pressure of labeling it. But then again, if he doesn't want to make it official, are we even actually together? Is this just a fling?" I look back at Zack who was listening intently. "Oh Gosh, I'm so sorry, I just dumped all that on you."

He chuckles and sakes his head once, "No you're fine. Do you want to know what I think?" he asks.

I shrug, "Sure." What's the worst that can happen?

"Well it seems to me that you have to D.T.R." he states.

"D.T.R?" I ask, not understanding.

"Determine the relationship," he explains. "You guys need to talk and determine what you guys are. And honestly, if he doesn't want to make anything official, he's dumb and you're wasting your time. I would gladly show you off if we were together, and he should too."

I laugh, "You don't even know me. We met 15 minutes ago."

"Still," he says, raising his shoulders in a shrug.

I blush and say, "Thank's Zach."

"How do you know my name?" he asks, confused since he hadn't told me.

I point to his nematic and he rolls his eyes, "Duh."

We walk to the cash register and he rings me up. After giving me my change I thank him again.

"No problem."

I being to walk to the doors when he calls after me. "Hey Katie?"

I turn around to see if I forgot something, but to my knowledge I hadn't.

When I make eye contact with him he speaks up. "Stop by and let me know if the 'kinda-boyfriend' ever turns into an ex-boyfriend."

I blush and turn back around, heading out the doors and into the parking lot with many emotions and thoughts flowing through my brain.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while! To make up for it, it's a double update tonight 😘
Also sorry if the spacing is a little weird, I did it on my phone instead of laptop


As I Fall Asleep- Joshua BassettWhere stories live. Discover now