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"I'm exhausted!" Ron exclaimed, sparling on the Gryffindor sofa. Harry looked up from his book wearily. "I know Ron, but if you really don't shut the-"

"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed. "Language!"

Harry grinned. "Oh Hermione, language is for children."

"Well I really think I should teach you language because you are a big fat child." Hermione replied. Harry was speechless. "One point for Hermione." said Ron, chuckling. 

"Is this a joke to you Ronald?" Hermione snapped at him

"No, Hermione, definitely not." said Ron and Harry chuckled.

"Harry James Potter!" Hermione exclaimed, "I'm not done with you yet." Harry became silent as a mouse. Ron held his hands up in defeat. Just then the Common Room door opened and Neville joined them.

"Hey, the results are in." he said, "Luna and Ginny are waiting, you guys coming?"

"Yes." said Hermione briskly. Ron groaned. "Brilliant, Bloody Brilliant. More exhaustion."

"Shut up Ron, Hermione knows what's best." said Harry

"Don't try getting on my good side Potter because it ain't going to work." said Hermione

"So," Neville coughed, "You three coming or what?"

"We are." said Hermione and the three of them followed Neville out of the common room.


When they reached the place where the results of the test were suppose to be, there was already a big crowd. 

Ginny and Luna were waiting nervously for the results and the four of them joined them both.

"I'm so nervous." said Luna/"Come on, how bad con it be?" Hermione asked. "I suppose not to bad." said Luna, "But still."

"Come on," said Ginny, "Let's see the results."

Slowly they went into the crowd. When the six of them reached the paper where the results were, all of them received a dreadful shock. Draco and Pansy were their next to them but they didn't seem to notice Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna, Ginny and Neville, instead the frowned at the sheet and the other six didn't notice Draco and Pansy because they were busy frowning at the sheet.

The sheet was divided into three columns boys and girls and gender of the baby they were going to produce after a year.

Hermione Granger|Harry Potter|Boy
Ginny Weasley|Draco Malfoy|Girl
Luna Lovegood|Ron Weasley|Girl
Pansy Parkison|Neville Longbottom|Boy

After reading it about fifty times, Ginny was pretty much hyper ventilating. Luna took Ginny by the arm and dragged her to the Hogwarts grounds which was almost completely empty.

"Ginny, you ok?" Luna asked her. It was the first time that she had ever seen Ginny, Ginny Weasley Hyper Ventilate. First time she had seen Ginny Weasley, being so nervous and so shocked.

"Bloody Hell, I'm with Malfoy!" Ginny exclaimed and Luna sat her down on the grounds. "Wow." said Ginny, "Oh my god! Luna kill me now before I have to have kids with Malfoy.

"Hey listen, it could be worse, you could be with Crabbe or Goyal or Zabini."

"I would pick any of those than Malfoy." Ginny panted out. "Would you?"

"Well..." said Ginny, "I mean I do know that Crabbe and Goyal are idiots so maybe not but Zabini...he would be a better choice then Malfoy..." Luna raised one eyebrow. "Well he is a bit annoying and-Bloody Hell! Luna Lovegood!"

"Opps, I got caught." said Luna with a giggle.

"You made me say that you-"

"Loony?" Luna asked raising an eyebrow. "Never, never Loony, I will never call you Loony, even though I might have to sometimes, but never, I will never call you Loony. I would rather die then call you Loony."

Luna smiled. "You're the best friend ever." she said, giving her a hug. "I couldn't be without you."

"I couldn't be without you." Ginny replied


While inside Neville was even worse than Ginny. He looked almost as pale as he did after getting out of fake Mad-Eye Moody's first DADA class. 

"Neville, you ok?" Harry asked him

"Oh that was a nice, very nice list," said Neville in a high pitch voice which wasn't like his.

"Oh boy, I got, come on Neville."  said Ron and took Neville away from the list and to the Gryffindor boys dorm.

"So how are you feeling?" He asked Neville. "I'm good." said Neville in a high pitched voice, "Why wouldn't I be?"

Ron sighed, "Neville, you are with Pansy, the Parkinson. The Malfoy lover. Neville stop being, your parents might still be in ST Mongos but-"

Neville sighed. "The next Longbottom hare is going to be a boy and its going to have a Slytherin mother." he said with a long sigh and flopped down on his bed.

"Cheer up," said Ron, "I have Luna to marry and we are less than close."

"I guess so..." said Neville with a small smile


Harry and Hermione were the only one of the group who remained near the list.

"So..." said Hermione 

"Yeah..." Harry replied

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