Chapter 3

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Izuku sat on a rooftop some distance from where the slime villain incident occurred without his helmet on, he sighed in disappointment when he recalled what had happened and how he acted to Bakugo, how he let his anger slip a little and regretted doing that in front of the cameras.

He shouldn't ruin people's careers when they haven't even started, he had no right to do so.

But that little voice in his head couldn't help but gleefully say that the blond brought it on himself, he just gave it a little push.

'Ow well, what's done is done,' Izuku thought to himself as he sighed once more, 'Can't exactly do damage control now can I.'

He just hopes that nothing bad comes from this.

Izuku put his helmet back on and stood up to begin walking towards the other side of the building, 'Hmm, Mrs Joke should be on patrol now if I have my timetables correct, I like it when we bump into each other, like some she doesn't try to capture me and often allows me to join her, I like hearing her joke around and she makes me smile and laugh. I could really use her right now.'

When he was at the edge of the building he turned around and sprinted to where he once sat and jumped to the building in front of it, he kept running and jumping from rooftop to rooftop, patrolling and seeing if there was anything he could do.

That's when he saw it, when he was leaving after helping a lost child find her mother he looked up towards a building and saw someone up there over the railing, Rabbit quickly shot his grappling hook and scaled the building until he reached the top where he saw the person about to jump.

"Sir," He spoke softly, startling the boy who was probably a year older than him, "Do you mind stepping away from the railing please?"


"Because I know what it's like to be at that edge, it's not fun. Talk to me, maybe I could help."

The boy paused for a moment allowing Rabbit to take a look at him a bit, he had short black hair with silver tips, bone like blades protruded from his arms and curved to and past his elbow, what caught Rabbit's attention was that the boy wore what looked like the U.A. uniform.

After a moment of silence the U.A. boy spoke, "I... I went to U.A. today. It was our first day and I was excited, granted me and the class was confused why we were told to not unpack our stuff in the dorms yet by our teacher but we did what was asked of us. He told us to put some gym clothes on and meet him on the field, we did so and was met with a Quirk apprehension test.

"He told us that if whoever came last got expelled," The boy spoke, turning his attention to the vigilante behind him, the boys silver eyes grew slightly in shock seeing Rabbit but continued, "Me and my class did everything we could, we pushed ourselves and our Quirks to the point some of us collapsed. When we got our scores though and when I saw myself at fifteenth I thought I was safe... but he told us that we were expected, that we had and showed no potential and to leave the grounds immediately."

"Did any of you say anything?" Rabbit asked, his voice turning cold.

"One of my class- former classmates said that it wasn't fair, that we pushed ourselves and completed the U.A. exam, that we earned our place here," Tears welled in his silver eyes, "He turned round and said that life wasn't fair before walking off."

The silver eyed boy stared at the unmoving form of Rabbit for a bit, he may not know what was going on underneath that helmet of his but he could tell the vigilante was in thought, "So what led you to wanting to take your own life?" He finally spoke.

"My father owns a toy shop, we don't get that many customers and I wanted to help by becoming a hero so he could live a nice life especially after..." the boy hesitated for a second and looked down, "Especially after mom died when I was Thirteen... now I can't even do that, I'm just a waste, if I weren't here then dad could actually have money for a nice life."

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