Chapter 2

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A six year old Izuku was crying as he stood in front of a house, there were three adult figures, one being his mother and two that he didn't recognise, he was crying because his only friend was leaving and he didn't know when he would see her again.

He held his friend tightly and refused to let go of fear that she would disappear. His friend held him just as tight as she kept mumbling, "I don't wanna go," over and over again.

"Sweety, it's time to go," The voice of his female friend's mother called softly, she just held him tighter and shook with all her might.

"NO! I DON'T WANNA LEAVE! I WANNA STAY WITH ZUKU!" She yelled at her mother, no one blamed her for this as the two were thick as thieves.

"T̷͇̣̿ǒ̵͔̣̻̬̝̥̖͑̈́̋̽̒̈́̌͊͘͝͠͝ŗ̴̲̜̯̜̙̟͍̗͕̿u̷̩̹̩̠̜̩͒̔̀̔͂̊͠͝, hunny, we have to go but I promise that you two will meet again some day." The voice of her father sounded.

Izuku backed out of the hug and looked at his friend and her family, they were shrouded in a twisting black mist where you couldn't make out any defining features.

"I-I-It's okay T̷͇̣̿ǒ̵͔̣̻̬̝̥̖͑̈́̋̽̒̈́̌͊͘͝͠͝ŗ̴̲̜̯̜̙̟͍̗͕̿u̷̩̹̩̠̜̩͒̔̀̔͂̊͠͝, one day we'll meet again and we'll become the best hero team ever!" He shouted in determination, he reached into his backpack and pulled out a green stuffed bunny, "I know you like plushies so have this to remember me by!"

She gingerly reached out and took the stuffed rabbit, she held it close to her body as the tears refused to stop. She ran to a box and retrieved the contents of the box and gave it to Izuku, he was shocked considering it was one of her most prized and loved plushie possessions, a black cat with emerald eyes, "Have this Izuku! Keep it and never forget me!"

"I won't! I promise T̷͇̣̿ǒ̵͔̣̻̬̝̥̖͑̈́̋̽̒̈́̌͊͘͝͠͝ŗ̴̲̜̯̜̙̟͍̗͕̿u̷̩̹̩̠̜̩͒̔̀̔͂̊͠͝!" Izuku shouted as the world went black once more.

When he woke up again the next morning he was greeted by the aroma of bacon from his mother's cooking drifting into his room as she was making breakfast, despite his body's reluctance he got out of bed and looked to the corner of his bed. There the black plush cat sat, staring at him with its emerald eyes that made his gut twist.

It wasn't so much that the stuffed animal creeped him out but more of the fact that now the eyes seemed to hold a look of 'You forgot your best friend, you forgot both her name and what she looked like. What type of friend are you?' It hurt to see it but he would meet her eventually, he won't break their promises of being heroes together.

With a final sigh of defeat Izuku got up and walked out of his room to the dining table, "Morning Mom," Izuku yawned.

"Morning sweety!" Inko replied with a bright motherly smile from the kitchen, "By the way sweety, we're getting new neighbors today."

"Really? That's great! Who are they?" Izuku inquired.

Inko shrugged her shoulders and continued cooking, "Don't know, but I'm going to invite them to dinner as a welcome to the neighborhood."

Izuku sat at the table waiting for his mother's amazing cooking to be done when he realised that the news was on and the story today took his interest, "We are now live in Musutafu where the vigilante known as Rabbit has struck again, the thugs that were captured have been linked to multiple assaults, robberys and sexual assaults all over the country," The camera showed some police tape outside the alleyway he helped Saiko last night, "Nobody still knows the identity or the whereabouts of this vigilante but if what the police are saying he could be looking at a long sentence for illegal Quirk usage."

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