"That's good I'm proud of you. ," smiled Messiah kissing her forehead.

"Thank you. ," she slightly smiled.

"Sincere. ," called Messiah getting her full attention. The tone of his voice let her know that whatever he was about to say was serious.

"Hmm? ," hummed Sincere.

"Talk to me. ," said Messiah.

"What do you want to talk about? ," asked Sincere messing with his braids.

"Everything.. Anything. ," Messiah said desperately basically begging his wife at this point.

"Messiah I—

"Don't shut me out love help me help you. ," said Messiah.

"I'm exhausted mentally. I wanna be the best wife, mother, daughter; sibling. I can't right now but I'm trying so hard to just... I don't know. I'm angry that you went to prison and had to do everything alone. Yes your parents helped whenever they could and of course money was coming in from your shops and I was working, but Deuce and I needed you here physically; Kairi too. I had to do mostly everything myself because everyone was so far away it wasn't like they were gonna stop their lives for me I wouldn't ask them to do that. I had to to do it all no matter how hard it got I got the job done. ," sighed Sincere explaining the best she could.

"It's my fault I went to prison you have a right to be angry at me. I promised you and I broke it. I'll do whatever to make it all up to you if you let me. Have you spoke to your people? ," asked Messiah rubbing his hand through her hair.

"I talked to my mama and Nana, but I haven't talked to my dad yet. I'm not ready to talk about the situation with me and him. He hurt me more than you did I just masked my feelings and kept going with my life. Having a Dad that's alive and living under the same roof as you but not there for you hurts deeper than anything cause sometimes all I wanted was my dad but my mom had to be both because he was still heavy in his old life. ," shrugged Sincere taking her bottom lip between her teeth she shook her head defeatedly.

"Talk to him whenever you ready. What can I do to help you right now? ," asked Messiah letting her straddle his lap facing him.

"I just need you to hold me. ," both she and Messiah took their shirts off wanting to have skin to skin contact. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

Whatever you want ma. ," Messiah kissed her nose then buried his face into her neck holding her close.


"I'm sorry for choosing the streets in order to provide and take care of my family for a long time. ," said Silas.

Angry, Sincere picked up the glass vase of the table throwing it across the room. She could feel her blood boil and her instinct was to leap across the table and strangle her dad with her bare hands.

"Wait let's clam down. You need to get your point across without violence Sincere. ," said Dr. Robinson.

"This isn't about no streets it's about how you made me feel! You were there for my sisters I'm your biological child and you was NOT there for me! ," spazzed Sincere tapping her finger on the table.

"How did he make you feel you? ," asked Dr. Robinson.

"Unwanted. I needed you and you made me feel like your last priority. I didn't have you so I looked for you elsewhere. ," she attempted to stop her tears from falling.

"What do you mean by that you looked for him elsewhere Sincere? ," asked Dr. Robinson.

"I didn't lose my virginity to Messiah and he knows that even though that's what I lead y'all to believe. I gave it to someone I thought cared about me when I was younger, but once he got what he wanted he acted like I was a ghost. ," shrugged Sincere.

Revengence: 'Til death do us part Where stories live. Discover now